10 | Use Me

874 36 2

Jungkook's POV

I was on my way to the bar, even though it would have only taken me about 10 minutes if I walked there. If Jimin was telling me the truth – which, why shouldn't he – then I assumed that a car would be helpful in the transport process of Y/n.

Luckily I quickly found a parking spot and just as I turned off the engine, my phone signaled an incoming message.


We're waiting for you right by the entrance, hurry up.

Throwing my phone on the passenger side and getting out of my car, I spotted both of them right as I looked in the direction of the bar. As I got closer I could make out Y/n who was trying to free herself from Jimin's grip by twisting her delicate wrist. Shouting obscenities at Jimin who was just trying to get her to calm down, she met my gaze right when I stepped on the sidewalk approaching the pair.

"Jungkook! Thank god! You came to have fun too, right?" Feeling that Y/n was safer now, Jimin finally let go of her arm and started to walk towards me as well. Y/n enthusiastically wrapped her arms around my neck. "Jimin is such a party pooper, he won't even let me have fun!" She theatrically cried out, trying to get me on her side.

"She was so hard to keep in one place, I had to chase her first. I already told her friends that she wasn't feeling well and had to go home."

"Thanks Jim-"

"Whaat? Nooo! I want to go see Minkyu and my new friends right now!" She let go of her grip around my neck and harshly grabbed one of my hands, attempting to pull me inside. I didn't budge and stayed right in place, when Y/n turned around with a frown on her face. "Come ooon! I want you to at least meet my new friends."

I realized that she still thought that I came here to have fun as well. "Y/n, Jimin is right."

She fully turned around and stepped a little closer to me yanking on both of my arms, trying to convince me. She thought about something for a second and then started giggling.

"You're joking! Because you came to have fun as well, right? Let's go!" She started walking towards the entrance again, but I quickly stepped in front of her.

"No, Y/n. I'm taking you home right now."

"Why would I want to go home now? Jimin wants me to go home as well! Is everyone a party pooper tonight?"

"It's late, don't you think?"


I held her in place as I turned to Jimin with the intention of letting him know that I'd be able to handle it on my own from now on.


I managed to calm her down a little and we were now seated on a bench not far from the parking spot my car was in. I tried to bring her to drink the water I bought at the corner store in a rush, along with a donut. Sugary things probably weren't the best things to indulge in when drunk but they didn't have anything else and a donut would fill her up at least a little bit.

"Y/n, come on."

"I don't want to be alone. I want to stay here with my friends!" She pouted once again, now also activating her glossy puppy eyes.

"You can arrange another night out or dinner with them tomorrow or next week, what do you think? They will stay your friends, don't worry."

"But I'm all alone at home."

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