17."A Toy"

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"IT WAS A ONE NIGHT STAND, YOONGI!" Seokjin shouted at the top of his lungs.
"NO!" The boy cried, straight up defying the truth that was being slapped across his face with such force, like any normal human being.
"I LOVE HIM, SEOKJINIE! I FUCKING LOVE HIM!" He fell to his knees, crying more, palms against his eyes. "And he loves me back." He whispered, almost inaudible.
"Yoongi." Seokjin's eyes softened as he sat next to the boy, putting his arms around him.
"He- we were p-partners a-and he u-used to take me places and he was s-so good at the sh-shit he always w-won and-" Yoongi hiccuped in Seokjin's chest as the man just held him tighter.
"He was a cheater, Yoon." Seokjin told him calmly, raking a hand through his hair.
"Did he ever let you touch his dice? Showed you his set of cards? Did he ever tell you the secret to him choosing the slots?"
He bombarded the weeping boy with questions he already knew the answers to.
"Did he even tell you about Taehyung or Namjoon? Take you to his secret hideouts and safe houses?"
Seokjin tilted his head to look at the boy's face who had stopped hiccuping and was now frowning instead.
"Did he trust you even a little, Yoon?"
"What do you mean?"
The boy asked, voice heavier now with all the crying.
"You weren't a partner to him, Yoon.
You were just a distraction. A toy."
Yoongi winced at the mere words that cut through his heart like sharp shards of glass.
"Come on! Think rationally! You don't mean shit to him!"
Seokjin almost yelled, again.
"Don't be so blind, Yoongi! Stop doing this to yourself. You're ruining your life!"
Yoongi was silent as he got up,
Jin copying his actions.
"Leave all this, brother. He's not worth it." The man walked closer to the boy, moving a hand in his hair, trying for the last time.

"I need time, Jinnie." He had said and walked away, with Seokjin just nodding in return. He knew the boy indeed needed time and that he'd come by. And ofcourse, Yoongi didn't let Seokjin down
as always.

"I tried contacting you through everything, but it was all fake."
Yoongi closed his eyes, resting his head against the backrest of the bench.
"Why did you have to leave me like that, Hobi? Why did you make me fall for you if you had to go?" He clenched his fist.
"Was I really that insignificant? A toy you can play with anytime?" He sniffed, punching the arm of the bench.
"And why are you back, now huh? To play, again?" He hissed, treacherous tears threatening to fall out the moment he blinked his eyes.
"But...why do I want to get played again, Hob-ah." He banged his head against the backrest.
"Why do I still love you?" He whispered, looking up, at the blurred blue and white of the sky through the tears pooled up in his eyes.

A/N: Fuck.
Okay, I'm so sorry for being SO lazy with the updates guys I REALLY am but life's going so fast paced with my university and all that I just don't get the time.
I'm so SO sorry for it and just know that every single one of you means SO much to me and I'm really grateful for ALL of you.
Also, this chapter starts with a flashback Yoongi has while sitting on the bench outside the hospital.
Happy Reading, lovelies!!!

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