FINALE 2/2."Chrysanthemums"

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(Linked my video edit for Malevolent)

Jungkook's weak body fell to the ground, Seokjin just in time to hold him as blood oozed out of his chest.
He tried stopping the flow with his hands but the hole was way too big to cover with bare hands and the amount of blood that exited it was insane.
"H-hyung...I" The boy placed a shaking hand on the elder's cheek, almost lifeless yet breathing.
"I love you." He smiled, tears rolling down his cheeks. "r-remember that a-and...tell Jiminie too, h-hyung that I l-love m-" The boy wanted to say more but only blood came out of his mouth now as he coughed out his last breaths in the world. The world that had failed the kindness of Jeon Jungkook. The boy who did nothing but hope for good and see the good in people. The boy who would never smile again as he took the smiles of the people around him with himself too.
"Baby, baby! I love you too... so much! Hey, hey! you'll be fine! Look at me! Jungkook?" Seokjin shook Jungkook's lifeless body, as his eyes slowly closed.
"Jungkook! Jimin's waiting for you at home! I-I made it b-better between ya'll like I promised! Jungkook please open your eyes and look at me! Your hyung!" Seokjin pleaded, squeezing the boy's pale hand inbetween his own blood painted ones.
But the smile on the boy's tranquil face just faded, and his breath stopped as a single tear rolling down his cheek, filling in the trails of the many that had escaped his eyes before. The eyes that would never cry again, atleast.

"Jungkookie please..." Seokjin whispered to the boy who was drained of blood, straining the floor of the room with a dark red patch.
"You're not gone, You're not gone, you're not gone..." The man tried giving him a CPR, failing to register that his dear Jungkook had left him so early. His mind playing memories of the boys talking of growing old together, like a DVD on reel.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up, Jungkookie wake up please, please wake up." He repeated in hiccups, hoping still that the boy would open his eyes and talk to him. Just one more time.
He yelled, holding the dead body of his once beloved, limp in his arms.
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS!? " He screamed, shaking with anger and pain and misery and frustration.
Too broken to move, too messed up to register.
"HE BELIEVED YOU HAD A REASON!" The man cried, holding Jungkook's body near to him. His tears now dampening the boy's shirt, along with the blood that had betrayed the very body that kept it and emptied out the moment it found a way.
The man pointed at the boy his last words coming out more as a screech than coherent syllables.
Taehyung took a step back, actually feeling guilty for a second but it lasted as shortly as it had came.
"It's because I'm the bad guy." He licked his lips, moving a hand through his hair as he threw the gun on the floor.
"It's because this is what I do!" He raised his voice now, clenching his jaw and fists.
"IT'S BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT YOU BELIEVED I WAS AND LEFT ME!" He yelled at them man, throwing his arms open as if he weren't the one at fault at all.
Seokjin's face went grave as he gulped back the lump in his throat. " proved me right."
"YOU JUST DID THIS BECAUSE YOU WANTED SOME STUPID REVENGE ON ME!? BECAUSE YOU WANTED ME TO SUFFER!? FEEL GUILTY!?" He hugged Jungkook's lifeless body, again. Crying, as he questioned the boy standing infront of him.
"Well congratulations, Taehyung." He looked up, coated with the man's blood.
It had gone darker, now. Almost like black tar thickening around the hole in the dead boy's chest.
"Here I am." He pointed to himself, "Remorseful. Guilty. Alone. Suffering." The man stated, closing his eyes as he exhaled sharply, tears rolling down his eyes and down his neck.
Taehyung looked away.
No, he couldn't see the man crying even now.
As to what was the point of all of this?
He wasn't sure.
He didn't know.
He was just a barking dog at the end of the street who ran after every person that passed by, but what would happen if he actually caught one?
He wouldn't know what to do with them.
Seokjin wanted to lose it all, kill the boy infront of him in the most painful manner. Make him suffer like he had done to him. But he couldn't. He just couldn't do it. He couldn't even move.
Was it really because of the laws he was still pointlessly abiding to?
Or was it that something he had buried in the deepest, darkest part of his heart?
Or was he really guilty of what Taehyung had accused him of?
Did he actually ever try understanding? Loving?
Did he ever?
Did Taehyung ever?
But there was no point, now.
Oh heck there was no point.
But then, why hadn't he killed the boy even now?
Even after all that he did?
He had no idea.
Seokjin chuckled, more at his own misery than the boy's.
"What? Kill me, now Senior officer incharge, Kim Seokjin." He told the boy, kicking the gun on the floor towards Seokjin.
"I won't kill you, Taehyung." Seokjin shook his head, voice somewhat stable, now.
"You know why?" He questioned, jerking his chin in the boy's direction.
"Because you're actually just a tortured soul."
He said, growling.
"Crying out for love and acceptance.
A lost, injured child having no one to play with, just trying to laugh at his own antics." He looked away, roughly wiping the tears in his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt.
"You're pathetic, Taehyung. You just need attention." He scoffed, fury prominent in his voice.
Taehyung licked his lips, again, shaking his head.
"You know, all of that chit-chat is gonna get you hurt, Seokjin-ah." He gritted his teeth, eyes dark and hooded.
Seokjin chuckled.
"Like that's new." He smiled, eyes filled with disgust.
"You don't know hurt, Taehyung. You just inflict it, and you have no right saying that to me after all that you've done to me." He told the man, jaw clenching as he tried holding back the tears that had once again gathered in his eyes.
Taehyung's heart sank.
He thought finally ending the last thing Seokjin held dear would bring him peace. That after killing Jungkook, he could feel satisfied, happy, but he'd never felt more empty. Saudade. He knew he had done terrible things to the boy, terrible terrible things. But this was the point of no return. He couldn't run to him and hide in his embrace, now. He couldn't tell him he loves him, now. He couldn't assure him his love was strong enough because like him, it wasn't. It wasn't even love at this point, for crying out loud! It was madness! The madness that had engulfed Taehyung's existence, making him blind, deaf and merciless.
But, now as he was successful in his mission? It was almost as if he'd woken up. As if the haze of revenge was cleared revealing the sky of reality. Remorse.
He'd chosen to do this. He'd opted for the bad side.
And for what?
But was he satiated, now?
After killing his family's murderers.
After ending everything that ended his everything.
Was he satisfied?
He smiled too.
Smiled because it confused the man.
Smiled because it was easier than confessing what was killing him inside.
Because Seokjin was right.
Because he was a child.
A child whose whole world was snatched away from him.
A child never catered to a normal childhood.
A child who never grew up.
But all he asked for was love and acceptance, right?
All he wanted was a happy family?
Then why wasn't he given that?
What did he ever do?
Maybe he just didn't deserve it, then right?
Maybe he just didn't deserve anything at all.
"We can't change the past now, can we Seokjin-ah? I'm sorries? I love yous?"
He spoke up, staring at the sun that was high up outside the huge tainted all-glass wall.
It had huge cracks in it and lacked any glass at all at some places, letting in sunlight through them, particles in the air seeming like debris in clear water.
Seokjin's throat let out a sound resembling a chuckle, although it lacked any emotion, whatsoever.
"We had mad love, once upon a time."
Seokjin said, as he looked at the man's silhouette against the glass. The darkness of his form now resembling the darkness filling his soul.
"But now that’s over, Mr. Kim." He declared as he walked to him, holding him by the waist and pulling him closer.
Their gazes met for a moment and Taehyung couldn't resist himself anymore.
He joined their lips,
Tears mixing up,
Breaths mingling together,
Bodies perfectly entwined.
Seokjin kissed him back.
He took him in, to his heart's content, as if robbing him of all the good left inside him but then he let him go as the epiphany hit him, there wasn't any left.
What he felt for him was too complex to be understood, too different to be related, too foreign to be owned.
"We’re finished, you and me." Seokjin spoke up, once again, averting his attention from the younger boy whom he once loved so much to the corpse of the only person he called his brother, as he turned away.
Leaving Taehyung unattended.
But the boy was no longer listening.
A thousand thoughts playing his mind which all suggested only one thing, only one conclusion.
Seokjin turned around again, abruptly, feeling the boy's absence before actually seeing it and what he saw made him run once again.
He ran towards him, taking a lunge at the boy to hold him back, but he was quicker. He was always quicker.
Goddamnit, he always was quicker.
"Adios, my love." He smiled at Seokjin, managing to hit a salute in the air.
"Je te reverrari." Were his last words as he jumped.
The end of Kim Taehyung as simple as it may sound was still just as glorious as his life, in its own aspect.

~Fading away, when you're drunk and alone
Can't see my face in your heart anymore
Telling yourself you don't feel like before
And that's when I run
All of these thousand miles
That's when I run
All of these thousand miles
To get you back

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