Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Ten)

Start from the beginning

"After he had stolen all he could, he dragged me with him outside and threw me into the car, ignoring my boyfriend's protests. He drove away, police cars eventually chasing him. I was too scared to do anything, but I finally worked up enough courage to lean forward- I was in the back seat- and shove his hands away from the wheel. He lost control and caused us to crash, but it wasn't anything serious.

"His temper was at boiling point when he turned back and choked me, killing me. The cops were too late." She looked like she might cry, but I don't think ghosts can. Even though I was starting to feel bad for her, I still envied her. I didn't understand why I was so jealous that she had died, even though it had been a horrible way to die.

"And don't even get me started on all of the tragedies I experienced after I was dead," she said, sounding annoyed. At that moment, a familiar dark cloud appeared out of nowhere and a man stepped out of it. He was short, but older than all three of us. He had short black hair that spiked up. He looked really strong, and there was a dark stain on his black shirt. I winced, thinking to myself that it might be blood from when he died. The cloud disappeared as he glared down at Savannah, who barely seemed to care that he was there.

"'And don't even get me started on all of the tragedies I experienced after I was dead'," the man imitated her in a high pitched voice. "You better not get started on that or we will be in for one depressing story. That happened long ago, so drop it and come home." He didn't even seem to notice me and Fez.

"Shut up Drake!" Savannah yelled at him. "I don't need your complaints right now." She waved him away, causing his glare to become more fierce.

"Shut up? I'm sorry, I was just trying to stop you before you killed someone with your long stories that you just have to tell anyone you see." He looked very, very irritated, something I didn't quite understand. Her story about her death hadn't been that long, had it?

"Go away Drake," she told him, but instead it was she who started to float away from him. He stared at her with disbelief in his eyes.

"And you," he turned to me. I had no idea what to say. "What do you think you're doing, rubbing your immortality into everyone's faces?" What did he say I was doing?

Suddenly, I felt the jealousy die away, leaving anger in it's place. I decided to argue back. "I have not been rubbing my immortality into people's faces. Who do you think you are, accusing me like that?"

"Did you see how sad you made Savannah?" Drake pointed in the direction she had floated away in.

"Yeah, but I wasn't bragging or anything. She just came out and started complaining about how lucky I was and how unlucky she was." Gee, first her envy, now his anger? With that thought, realization smacked me in the face. Reapers all reflected one emotion. Savannah's must have been envy, while Drake's must be anger.

That didn't stop me from glaring at him though.

"Oh, yeah sure you weren't." Drake didn't believe me.

"Hey, what's going on?"

I turned to see a familiar ghost rising out of his grave. It was Haden. His eyes stared at each of us in turn, trying to figure out why we were all arguing. He seemed to realize why when he saw Drake. He stepped back, not wanting to be part of the fight.

"Nothing," I lied to him. He cocked an eyebrow and folded his arms, clearly not convinced. I turned back to Drake just in time to see his fist before he punched me in the face. I stumbled backwards, falling over due to my lack of balance.

I put my hands on my face, then glared up at him. For some reason, I didn't feel much pain.

"I thought so," Drake confirmed. I shot him a puzzled look, so he explained. "You can't even get hurt. Amanda made it so your body wouldn't change one bit, so even a broken arm is impossible."

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