Cheated Out of Mortality (Chapter Thirteen)

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Chapter Thirteen

I was just outside my house, ready to enter and face my family, when I noticed a boy on my roof.  Most likely a ghost.  Damn it, I've had enough for one day.

"What do you want?" I asked the boy.  He had sleek short black hair and was kind of scrawny.  He was looking at me with dark eyes, and I could tell right away that he wasn't from here.

"I want to help you."  His voice shocked me slightly.  It was soft and young, and innocent soundly despite his mischievous grin that was spread across his face.  He narrowed his eyes, then jumped off from my roof and slowly floated down to stand on my porch.

"Help me with what?  And where are you from anyway?"

"I'm from Japan, but I've learned all languages and can mock any accent, which is why I might sound normal to you.  I want to help you become mortal again.  I'm a reaper by the way."

"Glad to accept the help."  Usually I don't accept help like this so quickly.  Usually I would try and figure out what he's up to, because the way he's looking at me proved that there was something going on in his head.

"Wonderful.  First of all, I know everything you need to know.  The only problem is I'm not allowed to tell you.  But don't worry, you shall be mortal again in no time."

"Can't you just make me mortal with your reaper powers?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"No, since I'm not the one who made you immortal to begin with."

I snapped my fingers.  "Darn it.  Well, then what do you want me to do?  And how old are you anyway?"

"I'm twelve."

"Why is it that every single ghost I've met so far is young?  Well, there was that old man that kept talking to himself that one time, but even so."

"I killed myself," the boy stated, smiling at me and pointing to a whole in his navy blue shirt that I hadn't realized before.

My eyes widened.  "Why did you do that?"

"Because, death is wonderful.  I have no regrets over my decision.  Life is here so it can tease us until we're old and die, taking away what it gave us while laughing at us for being so stupid to waste our life doing meaningless things."

Wow, this kids got some way of looking at it.

"Which is why I understand what you're going through and want to make you mortal again," he continued.

"Wait, I'm not suicidal.  I don't want to die, at least, not yet.  But I do want to age and grow.  Eventually, when I'm older, I will die.  I just don't want to live forever like this,"  I clarified, taking a step back and holding my hands in front of me, palms facing him.  Then I relaxed my body, suddenly thinking of a question that I should have asked to start with.  "What's your name?"

He took a step forward.  "My name is Katsumi.  You are Angelina, correct?"

I was slightly surprised that he knew my name, but whatever I guess.  "You can call me Angie."

I heard Fez sigh behind me.  I know I don't normally let someone I just met call me by my nickname, but there was something about this kid that I trusted, despite his aura at the moment.

"You seek the one who can give life to the dead, am I correct?" Katsumi guessed.

"Uh, yeah, him.  What was his name?  A-Av-Ar-Avery!  Yeah, that was what Haley told me."

"She told you?  Hm, then I guess maybe I can tell you something as well."

"Tell me!" I begged.

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