Chapter 7: Hunter's P.O.V

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Without a word, three months before we were due to go off to college together, she sent me a letter two days after.


I’m sorry that I didn’t feel anything for you. I never meant to let things go this far; I just can’t live a lie anymore…I’m sorry. This is goodbye.




I made myself swear that I would never feel anything for anyone again, and I was doing a really good job of that.

That is until Paige came along with her big beautiful doe brown eyes, thick eye lashes; a button nose, skin the color of brown sugar, and short silky dark brown hair. She’s a short 5’4, she has a small frame but her eyes speak volumes, only she insists on hiding her feelings.

Her laugh is like children’s laughter, infectious and enchanting. I’ve heard her laugh one time and it literally stopped me in my tracks. When I saw her at the party, I was stunned; I think I actually stopped breathing.  She was so sexy, and afraid; and when I took care of her, I felt a rush of pure pleasure for no reason.

She’s stubborn and she challenges me, I mean sometimes I just want to ring her neck, but seeing her nose shrivel up like that in the cutest way defeats the purpose of me being mad at her. Then the other times, the arguing is so refreshing, it’s nice to hear her opinions, even if she has a lot of them.

And the way she walks…I really like that, because it makes her different, and what’s different makes you beautiful. I like it much more than I should.

I just want her to trust me, and I don’t know how I feel about her yet. I mean part of me just wants to blurt it out to her when she comes out of her room, but the other part is unsure. I mean it’s only been a few days. How do you develop feelings for someone so quickly?

I’m just going to keep my mouth shut; it would be the best thing to do at the point.

I mean how I could think that I could just tell her I like her and everything would be just fine, I don’t know.

            I clearly wasn’t thinking.

I ran a hand through my hair and fought the urge to smile when she came out of her room in a grey sweat shirt and a pair of black sweat pants. Her hair was up in a pony tail, and was also in her face so that it covered her right eye.

“What do you want to…talk about?” she asked, her voice seemed to be a little nervous and on edge.

“You know what? Never mind. It’s not important anymore,” I said standing up and looking down at her. She was small, and I had the urge to lift her up and hug her.  But of course I did no such thing; I stood there with a straight face as sized me up.

I think she saw right through me, to be honest.

“Alright, I won’t push you just because you wanted to talk at four in the morning,” she said nodding.

“I’m sorry,” I said avoiding eye contact.

“It’s fine, oh and about yesterday…I don’t think I got to say thank you. So thank you,” she said awkwardly.

“You’re welcome,”

“So…I’m just gonna…go back…to sleep now...” she said, moving back towards her room.

“Alright, I’m going back to sleep too. I’ll um…see you in a few,” I said, and as she nodded and went back inside her room. I stood there.

If only she knew…

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