Chapter Sixty-One

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When Ba Wei said breakfast I thought he meant he would cook something, but that wasn't the case

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When Ba Wei said breakfast I thought he meant he would cook something, but that wasn't the case. I soon found that out when he walked out the door. Of course he told me he would be right back, but as soon as that door clicked that void from before felt even bigger.

I went and sat down on the couch and picked up my phone. I opened it and looked down at those messages. I wish I could say that I felt something while reading them, but I didn't. I should feel scared or melancholy but instead I felt empty. Even looking at my fathers name made me uncomfortable.

"Cancer," I said aloud, "you have cancer old man."

Even saying that word aloud made me uncomfortable. In fact I would truthfully say that I am terrified. Even though me and my father don't get along all that well him having cancer definitely makes me upset. Yet the fact that he took his time in telling me pisses me off. He told his new fiancé before he told me, his son. How could I not be upset.

"Once again I'm second when it comes to people in your life dad."

I let my head fall back and just stared at the ceiling. I don't know how long I stared at the ceiling thinking about nothing, but it was long enough for the door to open. I looked up to see Ba Wei walking in with a bag in his hand.

"What's that?"

"Well it's breakfast."

"That's obvious. I meant what food is it dumb ass."  Ba Wei laughed and walked over and sat beside me.

"I got some steamed buns and some wheat noodles."

"Ah really," I asked excited?


I watched as he took out a large thing of steamed buns and  two bowls of ramen. I couldn't help but wonder exactly where he got these from because he wasn't gone that long.

"Where did you get this?"

"A auntie makes this every morning and she always offers me some but I always decline. You should've seen how happy she looked when I asked for some today."

"Did you express your thankfulness," I asked out of reflex?

"Yeah of course. I even offered her money but she wouldn't take it."

I nodded my head and watched as he opened everything. He grabbed a steamed bun and handed it to me. I took it and bit into it. When the flavor exploded in my mouth I felt like I was in heaven. It was so good, much better than my fathers.

"Like it," Ba Wei asked laughing?

"En," I took another bite, "you should try it."

"Well give me a bite then."

"No. Get one for yourself."

"Don't be stingy," he grabbed my arms and pulled it towards his mouth.

I tried to put up a fight but it wasn't any use. He pulled my arm with ease, and I even thought me pulling back would faze him. It did not.

"Oh," he said after he took a bite. "It is rather good."

"No shit. Why did you have to bite mine. They're plenty of ones that you could've gotten for yourself."

"Stop pouting," he got up, "I wanted to taste yours."

I put the last piece of the steamed bun in my mouth, "I swear you're weird."


After me and Ba Wei finished breakfast it didn't take long for us to settle in the couch and watch Tv. I was hoping that as time passed my father would just forget about what he sent me but he didn't. The entire time I was watching tv my phone was buzzing none stop. Every now again I would glance at it and sure enough it would be from him. How annoying. After feeling it buzz a full five times in a row I finally decided to check it.

Dad: did I not tell you to come home?
Dad: don't make me have to find you.
Dad: Ji Nan stop acting like a brat or I will punish you.

The further I got in those messages the more irritated I became. If I didn't go home he would definitely keep doing this. I checked the time and sighed. If was only three in the after noon. I didn't want to go home, and quite frankly I didn't want to see my father.

I didn't want to see his face, nor hear his voice. I knew that if he was at that apartment he most likely stayed there, and if he stayed so did that woman. How unfortunate.



"I gotta head home soon."

Ba Wei's head snapped towards me, "huh? Why so suddenly?"

"Um," I cleared my throat, "my father."

"Oh okay."

I expected him to say more than that but he didn't. He just shut off the Tv and walked towards the door. I raised an eyebrow and watched and he slipped into his shoes.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm putting on my shoes so I can walk you home." I didn't say anything and just walked over and did the same.  After I got my shoes on Ba Wei opened the door. "After you."

I couldn't help the smile on my face as I walked out the door. I heard a chuckle come from behind me and soon after that the click of the door.

Something about hearing that solidified the fact that I was leaving. I didn't want to go home. I would gladly go anywhere else than home right now, but as we started to make our way down to the street I knew I couldn't say that. I knew if I said that Ba Wei wouldn't let me go home. As much as I can't read Ba Wei I had picked up on his impulsiveness.

Like last night. He was out with his friends yet he dropped all that to come with me. I don't understand that at all. He's so cold yet so warm. I looked over at him and a small smile spread across my face. Why do you make me feel like this?

"Hey," Ba Wei called pulling me out of my thoughts, "you should come over more often."

I laughed, "that was really smooth."

"Was it? I didn't notice," he said as he started laughing. I pushed him and that only made him laugh harder.

"Is that how you tell the girls you want to see them again."

"No," he said as his laughter subsided.

"No? So you only said it to me then?"

"Yeah I guess so," he chuckled.

I nudged him, "well aren't I lucky."

"Fuck you," he said as he burst out laughing.

Hearing him laugh made my heart flutter. It made me think of something else than home, but when I looked forward and saw my apartment building I could feel my mood start to sour. I stopped walking and Ba Wei stopped soon after.

"This is far enough."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. If I know my father he most likely will be watching if I come home with anyone."

"Oh, going into a war zone I presume?"

"Yeah you could say that."

"Is it because you missed school?"

My eyes eyes met his, "partially, but I don't really care."

He turned and started walking the other direction, "If you need to vent just call me. I'll answer."

"And if you don't?"

A smile spread across his face, "Don't worry I will."

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