Chapter 41

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"I know Jen, it feels really weird knowing that someone else is gong to be living in my place, but we met them last week and they seemed really sweet, in hindsight I should have sent Harry home as they were both not paying a blind bit of notice to what I was saying to them"

"At least you can hope that they wont want to be known as the tenants that trashed Harry's girlfriends flat and should look after it for you!" Jenna replied between mouthfuls of toast and the sounds of her tidying up the breakfast aftermath in her kitchen.

"Very true, it makes sense anyway, I don't want to sell it, you know, just in case, plus it'll give me another steady income, although the business has gone absolutely mental, we're actually having to turn away work" I said down the phone to Jenna as I mouthed a silent thank you to the barista who slid the four takeaway coffee cups across the counter to me

"I guess everyone wants an event organised by Harry Styles girlfriend, plus all the talk in the press about the party and the success it had been, cant have hurt, plus its hardly surprising people have just figured out what we've all known all along that you and Dan make an incredible team and your great at what you do. Where are you anyway?"

"I'm in Holborn, I'm just grabbing some coffees and I have to go and meet Dan and a new couple were working with at the Grand Connaught Rooms, can you believe it, I'm actually organising an event at the Connaught rooms, its insane" I shook my head slightly in disbelief as I made my way out of the store onto the street

"Ooo I love it there, its so beautiful, we went..."

"Oh god" I interrupted Jenna

"What? What's up Lois?"

"Oh nothing really, the paps seem to have found me again, I really don't understand why they are so interested in me, I get it when I'm with H, but what is there to see when I'm on my own, they just seem to find me where ever I am"

"And that my dear friend is exactly why Harry wants you to drive or take a car when you go out without him"

Jenna was right, Harry had insisted but I figured he was just being over protective it had been a month since the photographs outside the restaurant and I genuinely thought the hype would have gone down by now but I guess I should trust that Harry has a much better insight into these things than I do, I just wasn't very good at doing as I was told

"I know, I know they've not been bad so far its just weird and I know you both worry"

"Exactly, we worry because we love you, so do as your told please.  Anyway what have you guys been up to, it feels like forever since we've seen you?"

I made my way down the street from the coffee shop towards the venue where I was meeting Dan, ignoring the two paps that were across the street as I balanced my phone under my chin, carrying the 4 coffees securely trying desperately not to trip or spill them on camera, that would be about right.

"We actually spent about 10 days or so living at my place, which was actually really nice to spend some time there, we managed to get most of the stuff packed up but once the photographers figured out that Harry was there, we had to come home.  There's better security and he's got an order meaning the paps cant go anywhere near the house which is kinda nice especially for him, he cant go anywhere privately but at least he gets some privacy at home"

"So you've officially been living together for a few weeks now then, how does it feel? How's it going?"

"You know what Jen, its really good, I've managed to find homes for most of my stuff in places that don't look totally odd, I mean its a big house, but that man has a problem no one needs that many shoes especially when he seems to wear the same one pair until they fall apart, and don't get me started on the rest of his closet!"  Jenna and I both laughed 

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