Chapter 13

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Interviewer: I'm so glad you had a good time making this album, it certainly seems to feel like the most free and comfortable you've been. So, the new single, tell me more about the process writing this next track Harry?

Harry: well its one I actual wrote in umm... 2017 while I was on the... tour for the first album... and I was in Nashville on my day off... and er we went into the studio to just kind of... play around a little bit...and er... we started some ideas and then... umm... I was kinda with the guys that I made the first album with and er... we had this idea, and we, we had like this chorus melody and it just kind of, it was pretty repetitive and... um... the Richard Brautigan book, In Watermelon Sugar was on the table... and I was like...that'll sound cool... er... this song became Watermelon Sugar, its probably the longest... its ever... taken me to finish a song, um... we kinda liked it when we first heard it, and then I, really hated it for a long time... and it kind of came back and seemed to kind of... kept coming back into the mix so, um...its kind of about like... that initial... I guess euphoria of like when you start... seeing someone, or start sleeping with someone or... just like being around someone and you have that kind of excitement about them, you know, you know what I'm talking about, like... you know when you like someone right? So yeah that's Watermelon Sugar.

Interviewer: Amazing, and your back in London now, for a while since lockdown started? How have you been coping having to stay home?

Harry: I mean... umm... having to cancel the tour... was... um... obviously devastating but totally the right thing to do... the safety of... the fans and crew being... most important... its actually been um... kind of nice having time to... stop and connect with people, so... um... yeah I'm pretty lucky I guess I can work from home... and yeah I don't exactly have it tough... so I'm super great full for that.

Interviewer: Right, right, and you've been finding ways to stay healthy, you're used to a pretty gruelling schedule I guess, so this must be pretty different.

Harry: yeah definitely... I'm pretty lucky um... where I live I can... get out and jog most days... I try and do a little cardio... and I actually spent some time in the pool this morning... and um... well... yeah that was pretty good exercise too.

Interviewer: Perfect, well thank you so much for coming on to talk to us this afternoon, and good luck with the single and with everything coming up, and keep staying Healthy. Harry Styles ladies and gentlemen.

Harry: Oh I plan to, thank you everyone. I appreciate it. Take care.


Dancing on the patio had made us late, so I only had time to throw Harrys shirt back on over my bikini bottoms, I would go and dress properly afterwards. I sat behind the screen of his laptop, and the lights he had set up next to the dining table, ensuring the camera couldn't see me, my wet hair leaving droplets on the cotton of the shirt.

Harry looked effortless, the sun having pretty much dried his curls, they fell perfectly to his shoulders, he threw on a pink and white polka dot shirt, his skin having a slight glow from the sun, and he was perfect.

As I watched him speak to the interviewer about the process of making his album, he switched into work mode, his words considered and deliberate, his deep voice soft and slow, but engaging and full of that famous charisma, his eyes sparkled with pride. It was pretty special to watch.

As the interview moved forward, they started to discuss his new song, and Harry was becoming more relaxed, dimples out in full force as he chuckled along with the interviewer, trying not to look at me in case the camera caught him looking off into the room.

When he started talking about the meaning of the song, and meeting someone new, sleeping with someone new, and the excitement, I felt butterflies that in that moment, he was talking about me, and I felt mischievous. I slowly bit my bottom lip, carefully and silently leaning back in the chair, one by one, opening the buttons on the shirt I was wearing, letting the fabric fall and drape on either side of my body, still covering my nipples but only just. I slowly ran my hand from my neck, down between my breasts, watching harry the whole time, knowing he could see what I was doing in the periphery of his vision.

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