Chapter 19

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I hated thinking that Harry was angry at me, especially as he had such a big day today.  Daniel appeared in the doorway after I had been sitting, staring at my blank screen for a while

"Everything ok?"

"I'm not really sure, I think its safe to say he's not very happy with me right now, and it's the first time we've disagreed on anything. I feel sick"

"Lois... did you tell him about everything we've been through together and that there's nothing for him to worry about? "

I looked at Daniel sheepishly

"I told him there's nothing to worry about but I haven't told him anything about Isla, or anything, its hard talking about her.  It's not like I was hiding things from him, I guess I just forget sometimes that people don't understand our friendship...  Ok I guess I can get why he's mad. I'm such an idiot Dan"

I dropped my face into my hands, I cant believe it didn't even occur to me that Harry might not be ok with Dan staying here when he's never even met him.

"Why don't you go and sleep in with Aden, I'm going to stay up in case Harry calls me back when he's done with the interview, I'm probably not going to sleep much anyway"

Daniel nods at me, with an apologetic look on his face

"He'll come round Lois, please just try and get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning"


It was daylight by the time I eventually lost the battle and fell asleep, Harry hadn't called back, and I didn't want to bug him when he was working, and wanted to give him time to come to me when he was ready.

I'd managed to find a video clip on the 'Sunrise' instagram account of Harry's appearance, he looked effortless as always, his curls somewhat unruly as the wind on the jetty caught them, sat in an red floral shirt, he was as engaging as ever but with a slightly preoccupied look on his face.

I'd managed to find a video clip on the 'Sunrise' instagram account of Harry's appearance, he looked effortless as always, his curls somewhat unruly as the wind on the jetty caught them, sat in an red floral shirt, he was as engaging as ever but w...

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I hated that I'd done that.

I woke up on the sofa, a blanket wrapped over me, and Daniels voice in the kitchen.  I couldn't hear what he was saying but it didn't sound like he was talking to Aden, and I could just make out another voice, which suddenly woke the butterflies in my stomach.

Daniel was talking to Harry.



"Harry... please let me explain, I'm sorry, Daniel is sleeping on the couch there is NOTHING between us, call me when you are done and I'll explain everything, please believe me, I would never do that to you."

I could hear Lois speaking, but all I could think about was the fucking Abercrombie model that had just appeared out of my girlfriends bedroom.

I did trust Lois, and I didn't think she would cheat on me, but hey who said jealousy was a rational emotion. 

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