Chapter 11

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"Are you sure about this Harry? it's only been three weeks, my family will totally understand if it's too soon"

He came and stood behind where I stood fixing my hair in the mirror, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"I am totally ready for this I want to meet your parents... and ALL of your brothers" the last sentence he said with a little mock concern. I giggled

"You'll be fine, they're all going to love you, my Dad will love your connection with music and will probably chew your ear off all day, my mum will love that you make me happy and my brothers... we'll there all pussycats"

"Remind me of their names again"

I chuckled

"Lukes the oldest of them, he's just 2 years younger than me so 34, clearly me and Luke were enough for our parents to handle for a while because then there's a gap until Ben, he's the middle boy and he's 28, then its Adams the baby, and its his birthday, he'll be 26"

"Ok, got it, and do you think your mum will like the gift I got for her?"

"I think she will think its entirely unnecessary but she will adore it... oh and by the way I should have mentioned that I told them that your names Harry but I didn't tell them that well... you're you! So there may be a few surprised faces... Except my dad who wont have a clue!"

I smiled into the mirror taking in the way we looked together, how he was the perfect height that his body could perfectly surround mine, his arms draped easily around me, his dark curls contrasting against the warm coppery blonde of my own hair, his eyes gleaming bright green, with the tiny specks of amber to match mine, his pale skin soft against the tan of my own skin.

"Come on lets go or we'll be late "


We decided on taking the Jaguar today mainly because I know my Mum would love to see it, it was another beautiful day as we made our way out of London.

Harry drove as I directed him through the suburbs until we pulled up outside my parents, the driveway and street was pretty busy and I could see my brothers cars already there.

I instructed Harry to pull the Jag across the end of the driveway blocking in the other cars, but I didn't want the classic to be too far out of view.

We hopped out of the car, Harry grabbing the gifts from the back seat, and he came round to where I was as I took his hand and led him to the side gate, Covid-19 meaning we still weren't allowed in the house so we were having a BBQ in the garden.

"Hey family" I said as we emerged from the side of the house into the garden where my brothers were all sat, Luke with his wife Hannah the other 2 flying solo, my Dad was already stood at the BBQ and my Mum appeared from the kitchen when she heard us arrive.

"Everyone this is Harry"


I chuckled and looked up at Harry "told you they'd be surprised" I whispered

His face broke into a big smile as he broke his grip from me, first making his way to my Dad to shake his hand;

"Dude... you're..." Adam piped up

"Yep, Harry Styles, nice to meet you, and happy birthday" he said as he shook Adams hand

He continued to introduce himself to the rest of my family smiling and chatting easily as I watched, he was good at this, he was good with people, he was at ease and I could tell that my brothers liked him instantly.

"Oh I nearly forgot I have a couple of gifts for you"

Harry handed an envelope to Adam, I look at him quizzically as I'm not sure what the envelope contains;

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