Chapter 2

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The following day I decided to turn my phone on thinking people would have decided that I was a nobody and gone away by now but I totally didn't understand what was going on, the messages had been shared all over twitter to Harry and Louis' official accounts and had thousands of Retweets. 

I made another attempt to explain but this just seemed to encourage people even more.  The comments kept rolling in and to my complete bewilderment I'd started to see a couple of online news sites (Ahem...if you can really call them that, I mean were not talking Brangelina level scandal here are we) had added the story to their pages and even some entertainment bloggers were debating whether the real Louis had resurfaced in Harry's life...

Obviously the real Harry and Louis either knew nothing about all this, or decided to say nothing on the topic.  Based on what I was experiencing this must be pretty common place for them at this point, I had reiterated my point again and again online but eventually gave up.

A couple of days went by and thankfully lockdown meant I could stay home with my phone off and ignore the world, when I did turn my phone back on to my relief I discovered the entertainment bloggers had kind of given up and it seemed that the fans were starting to loose interest too... ish!

I took the opportunity to check my emails in case there was anything about any work and to delete all the usual rubbish that had hit my inbox.  It was then I spotted, nestled in the usual junk there was an email from an email address I didn't recognise, simply and it didnt look like spam so i clicked open and read as follows;

com and it didnt look like spam so i clicked open and read as follows;

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Hi Lois,
Firstly, how are you? Are you ok?

I have seen what's been going on online this week and some of the comments can be really hurtful particularly when your not used to it, and I get the impression you were just trying to be kind.

I have learnt to deal with this kind of thing over time but want to make sure you are ok?

I really appreciate what you actually said about the music as it seems that you really understood the intention of what I was trying to achieve, I make my music for the fans so its amazing when someone gets it... I'm so glad you reached out (even if it has ruined your life ha-ha)

Anyway if there is ANYTHING I can do please let me know and if you could just reply to this email so I don't worry.

All my love

Now... as you can imagine I read this through a few times... obviously I didn't think this was the real Harry the email address was odd for a start (although following a bit of research maybe not so odd) and I'm sure he doesn't have time to reach out to every person getting caught up in some misunderstanding;

Hi Harry,

Thanks for your email, I'm actually doing really well thank you, quarantine and cyber harassment aside of course ha-ha.

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