Chapter 10

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Thankfully Harry didn't leave me in the clearing but when my skin started to feel the chill of the night air despite the heat of his body and the ground started to get damp Harry led us back through the trees, he obviously knew the route well and the light on his phone was enough to guide the way.

As we drove back through the city streets, the roof now up on the Impala cocooning us in the warmth of the car, I slid along the warm leather bench seat resting my head on Harry's shoulder his arm draped over me pulling me close to him, making sure my seatbelt was still secure around me.

I closed my eyes, soaking up the warmth from his skin, which had caught the effects of the sun, and still carried the intoxicating fragrance of soap and vanilla, his deep voice rumbling in his chest below my cheek as he softly sang along with the radio.  Before I realised I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is Harry carrying me gently into the house and placing me on a soft bed.  He gently lifted my dress over my head laying me back down leaving me in the pale yellow lace underwear set I had chosen to go under my dress. 

He sat next to me on the bed for a moment, running his fingertips softly down my arm and across the curve of my waist. My eyes were still closed and just before I slipped away into sweet slumber I felt a warm kiss on my forehead and the warmth of his skin on my back as he climbed into bed behind me wrapping me in his long arms.


I woke the next morning, feeling happy and warm inside and smiled as I took a deep breath surrounded by the smell of him.  I stretched out as I opened my eyes and found the other side of the bed cool and empty.

As my eyes adjusted I realised I wasn't in the New York room but I was in what I assumed must be the master suite.  It was equally as beautiful as the other rooms, filled with soft materials and lots of natural untreated wood, the bed covered with a mixture of fabrics, cotton, velvet and silk wrapping themselves around me.

There were a pair of beautiful doors at the far end of the room which I could see led out onto a small balcony, next to the doors where 2 large soft armchairs surrounded by shelves and shelves of books like his own private library and as in all the other rooms there were a few specifically selected photos and art works.

Seeing as I had none of my things up here on the top floor I grabbed a simple blue button down from the walk in closet and threw this on with a brown leather belt i found to pull in the shirt at my waist, and made my way down to the kitchen hoping that there was no one else with Harry today.

He was sitting at the island in the kitchen as I padded barefoot across the lobby towards where he sat, headphones in, engrossed in his leather journal, he was in a plain black T-shirt and yellow swim shorts, his curls wild around his head as he worked.

As I got nearer he turned to look up at me and I smiled as his face burst with appreciation, his eyebrow raised in a smirk.  He dropped the headphones and pen and stood as I reached him.

"Shit... you look incredible Lois, my shirt looks a whole lot better on you than it ever has on me"

"Thank you" I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist looking up at him, he appeared even taller now I was stood here barefoot

"Someone put me in the wrong room last night and I didn't have my clothes"

"That's totally not a problem you should totally just wear my clothes from now on"

he said looking me up and down as he leant down with a forceful kiss holding me close as I arched backward, giggling into his mouth as he kept laying heavy kisses on my face and mouth.  I cant remember the last time I enjoyed kissing someone this much.

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