Chapter Sixteen

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Near the end of the afternoon, Drake brought me to my room so I could prepare for the ball that was being held in my honour that evening. I didn't like the fact that it would be around me, but I had to admit that I was excited – it would be the official announcement of our engagement and a chance for me to meet the nobles of Kallis.

"Do you like it?" Drake asked me. We had just entered my room, and just a glance made my eyes widen. It was twice the size of the one at home. On the plush, soft carpets sat a large bed against the wall, a set of blue couches with a silver table, and a desk with stacks of paper and quills. I could see two doors against one wall – one for a wardrobe and the other for the bathing chambers that had a tub that sunk deep into the floor.

"Oh Drake, this is wonderful," I said, kissing his cheek. Everything about the room was perfect.

He smiled down at me, a pleased look on his face. "Katherine has already unpacked for you and she should arrive soon to help you dress for this evening."

My smile faltered slightly and he cupped my cheek in his hand, sensing my nerves. "What should I expect tonight?"

Drake seemed to hesitate, frowning as he thought of what to say. "The ball will be similar to the one I attended in your kingdom," he eventually said. "But I should warn you of the – ah – attire. The styles of clothing are very different, especially for women. You may feel a bit surprised."

I tilted my head to the side, unsure of what he meant, but he gave no indication that he would speak further on the matter. Perhaps he didn't want me to wear the type of clothes he described, and I was fine with that. So instead of questioning him further, I leaned against him and inhaled his citrus scent, savouring the last few minutes before he was to leave me. In turn, his arms wrapped around me and his nose buried itself in my hair.

"I apologise if Daniel's actions offended you today."

"What do you mean?"

He was silent for a moment. "Your kingdom is quite strict, and I noticed how you were uncomfortable when he greeted you." Right, the kiss on my hand. "Things work very differently here, as you'll likely see tonight. But Belle," he said, leaning back and looking me in the eyes, "know that I love you. People can be harsh, but that is the truth and nothing will change that."

I was confused, not quite understanding what he was talking about. "I love you too," I smiled. His eyes had a gentleness I had only seen a few times, and he leaned down to kiss me. It only lasted a few seconds before the door opened and someone let out a gasp of embarrassment. We jumped apart and I turned to see Katherine.

"I'm so sorry," she said, her hands covering her red cheeks. "I'll leave you two." She turned to leave but Drake stopped her, his own cheeks tinged pink.

"I must be on my way, anyway," he said, giving me a look that had my heart pounding. With a wink, he left me with a flustered Katherine, who did everything she could to look busy.

"I thought you said you were desensitised to sex," I teased. "Why would a kiss make you flustered?" I giggled as her cheeks deepened in colour and she clicked her tongue at me.

"Go bathe," she replied, ignoring my question. I decided to stop teasing the old woman and skipped toward the bathing chambers, still amazed at the room.

The bathtub was like a pool, and could easily fit several people. But despite its size, it took mere minutes to fill with steaming water. On a glass shelf sat bath salts and oils – surprisingly, all in my favourite scents. Citrus and lavender. I could only assume Drake figured out details from Katherine.

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