Chapter Thirty-Seven

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My eyes were glued shut. Or so it felt, for when I tried to open them, they wouldn't move.

Somewhere near me, I heard someone pacing, their boots scuffing against the ground. They murmured to themselves, though I couldn't hear what they said. But I was more focused on how I felt in those moments. Everything hurt. My bones ached to the core, and my head throbbed. My mouth was filled with a metallic tang. The tips of my fingers were cold and numb.

And as a groan of pain left my lips, the person was at my side immediately. I could feel their presence beside me, and after a moment they grabbed my hand. Their skin was soft and warm, and it felt like their hand was covered in small scars.

So slow that it was almost painful, my eyes cracked open. Drake was leaning over me, letting out a shuddering breath as he watched.

"Belle," he said, his voice hoarse. I opened my mouth to reply, but no sound left my lips. "I'm so relieved you're alright." He reached for a glass of water that sat on a nearby table and brought it to my lips, gently lifting my head so I wouldn't choke. I drank greedily, the water like honey on my throat. It was raw, as if I had been screaming.

The glass now empty, Drake set it aside and carefully wrapped an arm around my waist before lifting me so I was sitting up. I took in a sharp breath, the room spinning around me, but it slowly settled and I turned to Drake. "Drakenston," I croaked, wincing at the sound of my voice. It was nothing better than a hoarse whisper. Drake cupped my cheek, resting his head against mine.

"I thought I lost you," he admitted. My heart stabbed with pain and I clutched his hand tightly. Ever since I met him, I had caused him such trouble – my dizzy spouts, falling into the river, and now this.

"The illness," I said, my memory of the rebels suddenly coming to mind. "They wanted me to spread it."

He nodded. "Once we realised what it was, I had the magic users isolate. You're in an army camp, so it hasn't reached the cities." I let out a sigh, relief flooding my veins. To be responsible for so many deaths would be torturous.

"Tell me everything," I said, leaning my head against the wall. Exhaustion tugged at me, but I refused to give into it.

And so, he told me about the time I was gone. I had been gone for four days before being found by the soldiers, and Drake had been with me for a week – in total, a fortnight had passed since his birthday. He had reached out to my parents soon after returning to Kallis, explaining that the Gate blocked his return. They demanded he brought me back – which he promised to do, as soon as I was well again.

"They haven't attempted to enter Kallis?" I asked, somewhat surprised.

He shook his head. "I don't think they believed me about my father locking the Gate. They think I have kept you against your will – an act of war."

"That's ridiculous," I said. Unless Diane had spread rumours to them. Spinning lies to get them to turn on Kallis. "When will I be well enough to travel?"

He was silent for a few moments, his eyes thoughtful. "Perhaps we can leave for the castle tomorrow – it's a three-day journey. But I would like you to stay at the castle a few more days so I can have one of the castle healers check on you. While you aren't carrying the illness anymore, we can't bring you through the Gate if your body isn't ready for it."

For the next few hours, we sat together and I told him about the rebels. I could tell him nothing about the location or members, other than Diane and Leighton, but I described their goals. They kept Lillian as a source for spreading the illness, and they would likely sacrifice a few other weak magic users to constantly have a source. The thought made me ill.

"Diane wants me to marry Leighton," I said, reaching the part I dreaded. Drake stiffened. "I don't understand what's wrong with my aunt. She scolds you for holding my hand, yet lets a demi-Daarikel -" I stopped myself from continuing, colour rushing to my cheeks.

"He hurt you?" Drake demanded, a lethal calm entering his voice. I was quick to shake my head.

"He didn't hurt me," I said quietly. "He just kept grabbing me. Diane said he held a claim to me – something that the Daarikel do."

Though he was silent, I could feel Drake's fury. But it wasn't unsettling, as Leighton had been – rather, Drake's concern made me feel safer. "He has no claim to you," he finally said. "You wear my ring, and that is all I will say." He lifted my hand and kissed the ring he gave me, his eyes rippling with emotion. My heart fluttered at the action.

"What will we do if Diane is working with my parents – even if they don't know she's a rebel?" I asked, wanting to shift the subject, lest he stayed upset.

"We will have to convince them otherwise," he sighed, beginning to fiddle with my hair. "I doubt they will believe me, if they think I kept you against your will, but you will have more sway, I suspect." I nodded, nibbling my lip. The idea that my parents could be readying for war against Drake made my stomach churn, and I hoped they wouldn't do anything drastic before I returned.

"Is there any way I could send them a message?"

After a moment of thought, he slowly nodded. "I could possibly use my magic to send a letter there, but I don't possess the type of magic that allows me to transport people."

I went to search the tent for paper and ink, and was immediately stopped by Drake, who insisted I remained in bed. I had to admit that I still felt weak, so I watched him rummage through cupboards until he pulled out a roll of paper, a pot of ink and a quill. Setting a tray on my knee for a flat surface, I began to write.

Mother and Father,

I want you to know that I am well and that I have not been kept here against my will. After an attack by the Daarikel, we needed to go through the Gate to safety, and Drake's father sealed it so we couldn't return. What Drake has told you is the truth, and I pray you don't do anything foolish until I return. I have been ill and am recovering – but I likely won't be able to travel via the Gate for a little while. Expect me within the week.

I love you,


I skimmed over the short letter a few times before handing it to Drake. It disappeared from his hand a moment later, presumably to my parents.

"Will they see it?" I asked. His smile wasn't so reassuring.

"We can hope."

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