Chapter Twenty

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Drake arranged for horses to be tacked, and they were ready by the time we reached the stables. A maid had packed the things needed for the picnic into one of the saddlebags on Drake's horse, so we didn't waste time when readying to leave.

Once Drake had helped me onto my mare and he had climbed onto his stallion, we headed towards the forest nearby. I had no idea where we were going, but the horses rode side by side as if they knew. I watched Drake as we rode, wary in case he was still upset – and he had every right to be. I pried into his life and could've refreshed old wounds.

"Are you alright?" I almost jumped at his question, earning an amused smile. If anything, that was the question I should've asked.

"Well, I had a question, but . . . it seems silly to ask," I admitted, my cheeks red.

He chuckled and tilted his head to the side. "Now I'm curious. Ask away."

"I have known you for weeks, but I still have no idea how old you are," I finally said, unsure of how he would respond. It seemed a bit silly to ask after so long – but I was curious, especially because I was engaged to him.

"I'm almost afraid to ask how old you think I am," he replied with a grin. But after a pause, he added, "I am twenty-four this year." Some part of me was relieved he wasn't that much older than me – six years wasn't that much of an age difference, considering some young women were marrying men in their forties. "Your silence is concerning, Belle."

I bit my lip to fight the giggle that threatened me – he seemed nervous, somehow. "Never mind," I smiled.

Drake, though he seemed curious, dropped the subject and asked, "Any news about your maid – Katherine?"

"No," I said, nibbling my lip. There was no news at all, in fact, from Eshon. I knew I had only been away for a short period, but I half expected my mother to write letters. She would write letters to Diane quite frequently – she would add to the letter every day and then send a new one each week. But I knew that there was a tension of sorts when I left – I could only assume that had something to do with it.

"There's another ball in three days," Drake said casually, perhaps realising I needed a distraction. "It's in celebration of the beginning of winter."

"Sounds wonderful," I smiled. He began to describe those of the past years – everything was decorated in blue and white, there were often performers from different cities, and more often than not, the first snow of the year begins on the night. I had to admit, I was excited – for the first time, would likely be able to see the snow.

Soon enough, we reached the pond he described, and as soon as we reached the clearing, my mouth was open in awe. In the centre of the clearing was a massive body of water that glistened under the warm beams of sunlight. In the middle of the pond was something that looked like a marble platform – circle in shape, with marble railings as tall as my hand surrounding it. The platform extended to a narrow bridge, that connected it to the grassy area.

"Oh Drake," I breathed.

"Close your eyes, my love," he murmured in my ear as he helped me down from the mare. I did as he said, the world going dark as I listened for what he was doing. But he was as silent as a cat, and barely a minute later, his arm was around my waist. He kissed my jaw and I opened my eyes, curious to what he had done.

Drake silently offered me his arm, which I took before he led me towards the pond. I clutched him a bit tighter as he led me across the bridge, as I was afraid of slipping into the water, but he said nothing. All amusement and teasing had disappeared, replaced with a gentle look in his eyes. I stared up at him, unsure what brought the sudden shift. But I brushed it aside and smiled.

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