Chapter Eighteen

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The streets were a flurry of energy, filled with traders selling fine silks, fruits, baked goods, and just about everything you could imagine. Some claimed to bear goods from villages that were from faraway lands – from kingdoms across the ocean. Others were visiting from Eshon, selling clothing and jewellery favoured there. It sent a wave of homesickness over me, even though I had been gone only two days.

The heart was at the centre of the market. Dozens of people danced to the lively music, laughing and cheering one another. No one seemed to care about anything around them – only the beat of the music drove them on. I felt myself becoming restless around them, my whole body urging me to join them. Drake seemed to feel the same way, and with a laugh, he was tugging me towards the dancers.

Drake twirled me before linking arms with me and grinning. He led me through the dance, even though I didn't know it myself, and I found myself grinning. No one seemed to care who we were – to them, we were just another couple in the town. Normal. It was such a wonderful feeling.

"A thought for a thought?" Drake offered, twirling me again. I gasped as he dipped me, his arm the only thing that stopped me from falling to the ground. I stared into his dark eyes, amazed at their beauty – it was something I could never stop marvelling at.

"You first," I breathed, my heart pounding at his offer. It was such an intimate thing, to share thoughts in a moment like this. I had so many things I wanted to say, to express.

He hummed, his lips brushing my cheek before bringing me back into the dance. "I'm thinking about how grateful I am that Father accepted the invitation to Eshon," he murmured. "If he had declined, I doubt I would ever have met you."

A smile tugged at my lips at his words, and I suddenly had no idea what to say. His eyes glistened as he waited for me to reply. It was then that something occurred to me. "All my life, I have been shown off as a figure in my kingdom – the princess. People would see me for my title and nothing more. But when I met you, and you spoke to me like a person . . . I felt normal. I have never felt like that before, and I just . . . thank you."

My eyes were glistening with tears and Drake stopped dancing. He leaned in and kissed my cheeks where they flowed, tilting my face up by the chin. "You never have to thank me, my love," he murmured. "You don't know how much you mean to me. You are a light in my life; you have shown me true joy that I have never before felt. I love you."

His lips were on mine and tears were flowing down my cheeks. The dancers and music became distant; not important. All that mattered was Drake. With trembling hands, I gripped the lapels of his jacket and kissed him back, a fire burning in my chest. I don't know how I could've doubted his love. But in those moments, it didn't seem to matter.

Both of us were breathing hard when we pulled away, and my chest felt so light. Drake tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and murmured, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I whispered. Drake tucked me to his chest and held me close. It didn't matter that we were still as we stood where the couples danced. It didn't matter that people saw us. All that mattered was him.


A few hours later, after we had browsed the stalls and danced once more in the crowd, Drake and I found our way to the edge of the crowds, where we sat on an empty bench and ate the lunch we bought from one of the stalls. We had large, soft pretzels, pieces of apple covered in hard sugar, and a small bag of berries. All of which were absolutely delicious.

"How are you liking Kallis so far?" Drake asked as he bit into his pretzel. I almost giggled at how he smiled at the taste.

"It's wonderful," I replied. "Everything is completely different to Eshon – but I love it." He seemed pleased at the answer and reached out to squeeze my hand.

"No doubt you are feeling a bit homesick," he said, stroking the back of my hand. I glanced down at our hands before looking up to see him smiling at me. "Once we return to Eshon, perhaps we can begin planning our wedding."

My heart fluttered at the thought. "I'd like that very much."

I was sure he was about to lean in to kiss me, but we both jumped at the sudden gasps and cheers from a crowd nearby. People were surrounding someone that we couldn't see, and curiosity got the better of us. We packed up the remaining food and ventured toward the group, carefully weaving past people to get to the front.

A man was standing alone in the centre, wearing robes of red and black. Beneath his bushy moustache was a big grin, and his eyes were unnaturally yellow. Bringing his hand to his lips as if to blow a kiss, he angled his head towards the sky and a snake of flame shot up.

I yelped, recoiling and stumbling back. I ended up hitting Drake's chest and he placed a hand on my shoulder. The man swept his arm up and suddenly the sky was bursting with flames. I was sure I was trembling, and it shocked me that the people gasped and clapped.

"It's okay, Belle," Drake murmured into my ear. "It's simply a party trick; his flame has to heat."

At that moment, the man's eyes met mine and he smiled. "Ah, the little bird is afraid," he said gently. "Do not worry, my dear. My flame is kind. Come, I shall show you." He held out a hand to me and I fought the urge to run. Drake watched me silently, giving me a choice, I realised. I didn't know what to do. One part of me was terrified of his magic, but the other trusted Drake. With a shuddering breath, I stepped forward, earning a round of applause from the crowd.

"Hold out your hand, little bird," the man said. I did as he said, though I was absolutely terrified. Not one part of me wanted to do it, but . . . I wanted to become stronger. I didn't want to be afraid. "Very good. Now, close your eyes for a moment, my dear, and imagine something peaceful."

I did as he said, the world going dark as I closed my eyes and tried to compose myself. I had no idea what to imagine . . . nature? Or perhaps animals? But . . . being with Drake was what made me feel the most peaceful. My mind drifted towards my memories of us together – riding horses, having picnics, dancing at the balls. The crowd around me gasped and cheered, and my eyes flew open.

Hovering above my hand were two figures made of flame, neither bigger than the height of my hand. One was a man and the other a woman – both wearing finery of flames as they danced. With a jolt, I realised it was Drake and me, and my heart melted. It was a memory of us dancing together under the gazebo, swaying to a silent tune. Distantly, I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"You don't seem afraid now, do you, little bird?" the man laughed, though not unkindly. He had a warm look in his eyes that matched the fire in my hand.

I turned to look at Drake, who was staring at the flames. His eyes had a soft look that I had never seen before, and his lips formed a subtle smile. After a moment, his eyes met mine and he smiled wider. He looked happy.

The flames disappeared from my hand a few seconds later and the man continued his act. Drake and I silently slipped away, his arm around me. He spoke only when we were in the carriage and heading to the castle.

"I'm so proud of you," he said, cupping my cheek with his hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked, though I was sure I knew.

For a moment he was silent and head leaned his head against mine. "Yesterday, you were terrified of entering the Gate because of its magic. And just now, you allowed that man to use magic so close to you. You are so brave, my love." He kissed me, slow and sweet, and I almost frowned when he pulled back. "The fire showed us," he said, not quite a question.

"I feel peaceful whenever I'm around you," I replied, earning a breathy chuckle. I saw the look in his eyes and before he could, I leaned in and kissed him, my hands sliding behind his neck. He seemed surprised, but soon his hands were on my waist, warming me through the thick fabric of my dress. I meant what I said – I was peaceful around him. Being with him made me happy.

Neither of us let the other go until we reached the castle.

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