Chapter Fifty-Three

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We wasted no time the next morning. With the battle having ended three days prior, most of the wounded were already treated, and the process of taking down the camp was already in progress. Despite the loss of lives, everyone seemed to be high spirited – perhaps because the number lost was so low. I did notice, however, that my presence seemed to bring them to silence, and their eyes tracked my movements. Drake seemed to notice it as well, but made no comment about it, likely to not cause any issues. I couldn't blame them for being fearful after I wiped out an army.

Despite the urge to duck my head and hide my face, I stood tall next to Drake as we walked through the camp. I offered warm smiles to the soldiers I personally knew, hoping that the small action would at least ease the tension. At least a few of the soldiers seemed to be less tense by the time Drake and I mounted our horse, but only time would tell how the others reacted.

All throughout the ride back to the castle, I couldn't help but wonder about Diane's magic. It was basic knowledge that magic tended to grow stronger when two magic users bore a child, but my father had no magic. At least, none that I knew of. So, was Diane even more powerful than me? The thought made my blood run cold. If I could wipe out an army with half a thought, what could she do?

"What should we do first upon returning?" I asked, raising my voice above the wind. Drake urged the horse to move faster, so we would reach our home as soon as possible. I understood the rush – though I had never been involved in a war before, I imagined that there was a lot of work that went into it. Not only the planning stages, but also counting the fallen and informing their families. Something I never even considered would need to be done. How naive of me.

Drake leaned down so his mouth was by my ear, so he wouldn't have to speak over the wind. "By now, my generals have likely announced to the people that we won this battle. I have already heard whispers of the new ice queen, so little is needed to be announced." I pursed my lips at the name, unsure what to think. I wanted respect as a queen, but not in a way that would make me seem like a power-hungry ruler – like Diane had become. A fine line to walk. "I can practically hear your thoughts, my love. Try to relax. There are meetings with my generals about the next steps, but there is no rush at the moment. If you are up to it, perhaps you could introduce me to Morana."

I reached to the bac of my mind, asking Morana the silent question. Upon hearing her approval, as hesitant as it was, I nodded. "She seems okay with that idea." After a few beats of silent, I asked, "Does your magic have a name?"

For a few moments, I wasn't sure he would answer. He remained silent until the gates of the city rose up before us. "His name is Lucius."

"And will I meet him?"

Drake let out a heavy breath as the air seemed to change around us. Becoming darker; heavier. "I hope, my love, that you never will."


Upon reaching the castle, we wasted no time in settling back in. Having fresh, hot water was bliss and I relished cleaning off the grime of the camp. Perhaps I was spoiled – actually, of course I was – but I thought that I couldn't live without hot water. A silly, childish thought, and one that made me appreciate the blessings in my life.

Drake wanted to delay any meetings until the next day, but he accepted a briefing from Cordia, who had returned immediately after the battle and had helped run things the past few days. The Eshon soldiers had been kept in the dungeons, but were being treated well – fed, watered, and even given books as a means of entertainment. Perhaps it was our conversation as we overlooked the battle that made her kind towards them, but I appreciated it either way.

Once Cordia left us, we went into the sitting room attached to our chambers, ordering food and drink from one of the maids. To give me energy in case summoning Morana drained me.

"I hope you realise Cordia will receive an appropriate punishment," Drake said gently once the maid left us. I turned to face him, knowing my expression showed my guilt.

"I ordered her to go fight," I replied. "She did not abandon me; she simply obeyed my orders." I knew it had placed Cordia in a difficult position. Two opposing orders from her rulers – and if I was being honest, I still wasn't quite sure where Kallis queens stood in comparison to their kings. In Eshon, the king's word was final, and the queen had to stick by her husband. I knew that Drake saw me as his equal, and I was fighting to make the people see that as well. It was difficult when I was still learning their customs.

"I understand," Drake murmured, kissing my forehead. "I cannot go against the laws of my kingdom, because even though you are my queen, she disobeyed my direct order. However, I will reduce the blow as much as possible. She is a good woman, and I am sure she meant well."

I was quick to agree, relieved that he would not punish her harshly. Perhaps doing so would also help our friendship – she and I had grown close, and I would hate for my foolishness to ruin anything between us.

With that conversation out of the way and the tea set out in front of us, we decided it was time to summon Morana. It took only half a thought for her to respond, immediately taking shape beside me on the sofa. Drake sucked in a breath, his eyes wide, and I realised she had taken the beast of ice as her form. It didn't surprise me that Drake seemed so afraid – not for himself, but for the razor claws that were so close to my throat.

"You're upsetting him," I murmured to Morana, who seemed to rattle with a chuckle. A moment later, she changed her appearance, resembling myself. Drake relaxed slightly, though I could tell he was still on edge. He tracked Morana's movements, narrowing his eyes as she leaned against me and played with my hair.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," Morana purred, not bothering to hide the serpentine edge to her voice. Despite helping and protecting me, beneath the façade was something cruel and wicked. Something I could become if I fell into the magic's thrall.

Drake dipped his chin, his eyes not leaving her. "The pleasure is mine, my lady." He glanced between us, a conflicted look on his face. "I must admit, it is . . . disconcerting to see the resemblance between you."

"Doesn't Lucius look like you?" I asked, almost regretting my question as he flinched.

"He does," he replied. "But he looks less . . ."

"Dead," Morana finished bluntly. She did not seem offended as he nodded - she smiled. Not a kind one, but a smile, nonetheless. "The magic within each person can take up any form. I choose to appear how Belleza would look if she decided to fall into the thrall of magic. Surely you know this, my king – once, you and Lucius were twins to one another."

Drake warily nodded. "Indeed. But no longer." He was dismissive in his words, as if trying to end the conversation there. It made me wonder what exactly happened in his earlier days when he fell into magic. I knew they had been dark, but his behaviour made me want to know more. It was something I tucked into the back of my mind, fully intent on questioning him later. "I believe you know why I asked to speak with you, Morana."

"Indeed, my king. You wish to know what I have intended for your beloved wife." Her spindly fingers gripped my chin, gently turning my face towards her. She continued to speak to Drake, though her eyes never left mine. I felt entranced. "You seem to have the mindset that magic should be locked up; chained. You use the bare minimum of your magic so Lucius cannot make an appearance. You fail to understand that we, though not human, are people. I do not intend to leave my person alone, my king. I intend to watch her flourish."

With that, her eyes left mine, and she faced my husband once more. "Why did you grant her the power to kill?" Blunt words that almost made me flinch.

"I gave her choice," Morana hissed. "Belleza wanted to help her people. I warned her of the consequences. I even gave her a taste of the feeling when the Daarikel attacked, so she wasn't led to the decision blindly." The two of them stared each other down for a few moments before Morana added, "If you try to protect her by locking her away and removing her choice, you are no better than her deranged mother."

With that, Morana vanished, leaving us alone once more.

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