Chapter Twelve

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"You're engaged?" The next day, I found myself sitting in a sunny parlour, having tea and biscuits with Victoria and Lillian, the former giving me a wide-eyed look. "Belle, you have known this man for less than a fortnight. You can't just marry him."

"Oh hush," Lillian said, clutching her hands to her chest. "It's so romantic." I grinned, not at all surprised with their reactions.

"It's no different than an arranged marriage – I haven't known him for very long, but that's what the engagement period is for. It's not like we're rushing to a wedding." Even I wasn't that blind – I loved Drake, but I wasn't silly enough to marry him immediately.

Victoria nibbled her lip, thinking over my words. "I suppose you have a point," she eventually murmured. "What have your parents said?"

If I was being honest, I hadn't spoken to them about it. They knew that he had proposed – Drake had spoken to them and they saw the ring on my finger. But they had been dragged into some early meetings that day, so I never had the chance. Of course, they likely approved, considering they allowed Drake to propose at all.

"They have been busy," I finally murmured, reaching for a biscuit. I was saved from Victoria's next question by a knock on the door. When Drake poked his head in the room, I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Lillian and Victoria said at the same time. I almost recoiled at the sudden bright cheeriness that had entered their voices. Upon seeing my expression, they burst out laughing.

"Good morning, ladies," Drake greeted, placing a hand over his heart as he bowed. Lillian swooned. Turning to me, Drake said, "His Majesty requested to meet with us."

I set down my cup of tea and rose. "I'll see you both later," I said to my friends, before taking Drake's arm and letting him lead me out of the room. It was only when we were out of earshot that Drake spoke.

"They both seem . . . perky today," he commented. I shook my head with a sigh – they likely acted that way to see my reaction, and I told him as much. Although, Lillian might not have been acting when she swooned. Drake chuckled, slipping an arm around my waist and tucking me against him.

"Did Father say what he wanted to talk about?" I asked, perhaps a little too late as we soon reached his study.

"He sent a messenger, so I haven't a clue." Though, it was likely to do with our engagement.

The two guards on either side of the set of oak doors bowed to us. Upon knocking and receiving the command to enter, they opened the door for us and we stepped past them with a smile. Past the doors, Father's study was unchanged from the last time I saw it – The walls were lined with overflowing bookshelves, the tall windows bathed the room in light, and sitting behind a cluttered mahogany desk was Father.

"Thank you both for coming," he said, waving for us to sit as he shifted the papers between piles on his desk. When he was finished, he looked up and smiled, his eyes lingering on our hands, which we kept clasped together even as we sat. "Now, we must discuss your engagement. Drake, I know your kingdom has slightly different . . . views towards marriage and courting, so we must take both kingdoms into account. In Kallis, how long is it between the engagement and wedding?"

Drake seemed almost surprised at the question and he furrowed his brow to think. "In my kingdom, it is considered bad luck to wait too long before marriage," he eventually said. "It isn't uncommon for people to wed within a few months of their engagement. However, I understand that Eshon is quite strict when it comes to these things. I would hate for Belleza's reputation to be stained by something so simple."

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