Chapter Forty-Four

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It had been weeks.

Nothing but silence had been heard from Eshon, and the king was growing desperate. After dozens of letters and attempts to form a meeting, he had been ignored. The king and queen had refused to meet with him, giving him only one letter to let him know they would not meet with him. It was few words and gave their point well enough. Entering Eshon will be an act of war.

The Gateway had been sealed from their side, likely thanks to Diane's magic. At least, the king assumed she was behind all this. Dripping honey and poison into their ears, intertwining truth and lies.

The king was standing in the gardens, the snow bitter and cold, but the worst of it over for the season. Half a dozen magic users stood before the Gateway, each pouring magic into its arch in attempts to wake it frum its slumber. They had done this for weeks, not stopping from dawn until long after the moon had risen. But to no avail. The Gateway remained silent and still.

Even planning to send a group of soldiers to the castle was out of the question – as soon as they heard of Kallis soldiers in Eshon, war would break out. Whatever they did had to be calculated. Which, to the king's dismay, meant waiting. Waiting to see the woman he loved.

Every day was bitter without her – as if a light inside of him had been smothered. It reminded him all too much of when he had been consumed by his magic, and the thought alone scared him more than he wanted to admit. He did not want to be like Daniel; cold and calculating.

And so he held onto hope.

The moon was beginning to rise in the distance, its body almost full.

"Keep trying."

He would give the Gateway all his magic, all his power, if it led him to his bride.

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