Chapter One

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I woke as I did every morning, snuggling under the blankets to savour the warmth that had faded throughout the night. I felt the warm morning sun kiss my face, and I fluttered my eyes open, almost jumping when I saw the three faces grinning down at me.

"Good morning, Your Highness," one chirped. The other maids followed in a series of greetings, and I groggily murmured the same back.

"What's going on?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to help myself wake up.

The maids giggled, glancing at one another in what seemed to be disbelief. I just waited, still confused. It was usually Katherine, my lady's maid, who woke and prepared me for the day. To see three of the scullery maids wake me was unusual, though I was glad to see them – they were lovely girls.

"I cannot believe you have forgotten," one murmured, pressing a hand to her brow. They seemed to realise I wasn't pretending not to know, and glanced at one another. "Well then, make your way down to the kitchens and we will solve this issue."

With that, they scurried out of the room, leaving me gaping after them. How utterly cruel it was for them to leave without telling me. Was there some sort of event? Was one of Father's friends coming for tea?

"Belleza, if you leave your mouth agape, the wind will change and it will be stuck like that," Katherine scolded. I shut my mouth quickly, turning to her. She walked out of my bathing chambers, the sound of rushing water coming out of the door. I hadn't even noticed she was in there. "Come now; bathe and then let's get you dressed for the day."

I nodded, jumping out of bed and stripping out of my nightgown as I reached the bathing chambers. As I sunk into the hot water of the bath, I took in a deep breath. Rose and citrus – Katherine knew me too well. Having practically raised me from a child, I shouldn't have been so surprised.

After scrubbing myself, I dunked my head beneath the water one last time before climbing out of the tub and drying myself. When I emerged from the bathing chambers, I found Katherine humming to herself as she laid out dresses on my bed. Despite having streaks of silver in her hair, she was a lively woman who bustled about and fussed over small details. Others her age would've retired, but she had worked for the castle since before I was born.

"Come and choose one, dove," she chirped. I peered down at the three dresses she had selected, smiling fondly. They were each similar in style, having layers of silk and gossamer. The only difference was their colour – lilac, baby blue or a dusty gold.

"What do you suggest?" I asked. I had no idea what was supposed to be happening that day, so playing it safe would be the wise decision.

"Well, the blue would make your hair brighter," she murmured. "But the lilac seems more fitting for today. Yes, let's go with the lilac."

And so, the next hour was spent preparing me for the day. Katherine helped me into the numerous layers of the dress, curled my hair until it lay in perfect gold ringlets, and painted my lips a sweet pink. I couldn't help but twirl when I saw myself in the mirror.

Katherine sent me down to the kitchens, leaving her to do her daily chores, so I could find out what was going on. As I walked through the hallways, I was surprised to come across several lords and ladies. I murmured polite greetings as I saw them, but was confused nonetheless. The majority of the time, Father never invited them unless an event of some sort was occurring.

I shook the thoughts away and ducked down the hallway that led to the kitchens. As I walked through the door, I was met with the sounds of the kitchen maids preparing breakfast for the morning. My mouth watered at the smell of the potato cakes.

"Took you long enough," the head kitchen maid tutted, though a wide smile was on her face. The plump old lady waddled forward and embraced me. I smiled, gladly returning the embrace.

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