Chapter Twenty-Five

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The temperature had dropped considerably by the time I was dressed for the ball. I shivered at the breeze that drifted through the window, tightening the fur wrap around me. The gown I wore was made of silk and lace; layered shades of blue and white. It was a style from Kallis; an older one with a higher neckline than the ones usually worn, though it still dipped below my collar and showed my chest. With the blue of the gown and the white fur over my shoulders, I looked the part for a winter ball.

"Don't ruin your hair with the dancing," one of the maids chirped. All three of them were weaving my hair onto the crown of my head, sliding pearl and glass beads on as they braided it. In the candlelight, it sparkled beautifully.

"Have you seen the pearl necklace?" I frowned, digging through the jewellery box. I usually kept it at the top, but it wasn't amongst the other necklaces. In the mirror, I saw the maids shake their heads and I tried to hide my disappointment. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost the necklace – it meant so much to me.

"We will search while you're at the ball," one of them promised. I thanked them, my heart sinking as I heard Drake knock on the door. Whenever I wore the necklace, Drake had a soft smile on his face; one that sent my heart fluttering. I just hoped he wouldn't notice its absence.

As soon as I opened the door, Drake's face lit up. "You look stunning," he said, offering me an arm. I smiled as I took it, subtly glancing over his own outfit. It was no different than his usual style, other than the intricate silver threads that were woven near the cuffs of his jacket. Against the blue fabric, they looked like snowflakes. "You're oddly quiet tonight," he said, glancing down at me.

"I have never seen snow before," I replied, failing to hide my excitement. He chuckled and nodded to the guards who opened the doors to the ballroom. Upon seeing the room, I took in a sharp breath.

It was as if I had never seen true beauty before. The room kept its blue and silver theme, which was fitting for the occasion, and yet it was utterly transformed. The walls were coated in what seemed to be growths of blue and white crystals that gleamed beneath the crystal chandeliers. Weaving among the crystal growths were vines of sorts, which had small white flowers.

Everyone moved around as if it was all normal, and they all looked stunning. Each one of them was dressed in various shades of blue and white, and as they danced throughout the room, it looked like a whirlwind of diamonds and snow.

"What do you think?" Drake asked, bringing me towards the group of dancers.

For a moment, I couldn't find any words. He chuckled as I was brought into his arms for the dance, and it was only when I met his eyes that I found my voice. "This is incredible," I breathed. It made me wonder what they did for the other seasons. "How did they even manage to decorate so quickly?"

Drake's lips played an almost secretive smile, but he answered my question. "They didn't. No one knows how or why, but like clockwork, on the first day of winter, the crystals and vines grow on their own. It has happened for hundreds of years – most likely old magic." I was surprised that I didn't flinch at the mention of magic – especially since I was surrounded by it, according to Drake. Something like relief flashed in his eyes. "By sunrise, it will disappear."

"And the other seasons?" I asked, my hand slipping from his shoulder to the necklace around his throat. Some part of me was surprised that he wore it – jewellery was considered feminine. The gentle look in his eyes made my lips tug into a smile.

"Oddly enough, nothing happens," he replied, surprising me. "We celebrate and use our own decorations, but nothing magical happens. I have tried to research it, but no one has the answer." How unusual. Perhaps there was something about winter that linked it to magic, or perhaps it used to be a special day. I brushed the thoughts aside.

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