Chapter Seven

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Despite being up until the early hours at the ball, I woke somewhat early – early enough that the air was cool around me. I burrowed beneath the thick blankets for an hour or so, not wanting to leave my bed even though I was wide awake. Perhaps it was my eagerness to see Drake that kept me from feeling tired. But was it worth leaving the warm bed to see him? I was inclined to say yes, but I still waited until Katherine arrived so she could run a hot bath.

"Their Majesties have an early meeting this morning," Katherine called from the other room. I hummed a response, too distracted by the hot water to reply. "They requested that you eat in your room, so I have asked a kitchen maid to bring a plate up." I nodded, though I knew she couldn't see me from the other room. But she seemed to understand, and continued to prepare for the day.

When I emerged from the bathing chambers, wrapped in a soft robe, Katherine indicated to my desk, where a steaming plate of eggs and sausage waited for me. My mouth watering, I began to eat, watching Katherine as she took out several dresses for me to choose from.

"Before I forget, His Highness asked that I bring this to you," she hummed, a cheeky look on her face as she passed me a slip of paper. I went a little pink as I recognised Drake's handwriting.

My darling Belleza, the note read, it would be an honour if you could join me in the music room on the third floor, perhaps at ten? I'll be waiting. -Drake

I fought the blush as I read the note – darling Belleza. Just the thought of the words made my heart flutter. Oh, what I would do to hear the words come from his lips. Despite knowing him for such a short time, my heart was captivated by him. I couldn't wait just to see him again.

"Come and choose a dress," Katherine called, thankfully not teasing me about my red cheeks. I wandered towards the bed, glancing between the three dresses she had selected. Silently, I pointed at the dusty pink one – it was simple, yet I knew it would my hair glow. And after him telling me the rhyme, I knew it was the best of the options.

Katherine's humming soothed me as she helped me dress and curled my hair. I smiled at the final product – perfect golden ringlets bounced off my shoulders and tumbled just beneath my breasts. My hair was something I was fond of, and I dreaded the day that it was deemed inappropriate for me to have it down – usually, it would begin at eighteen, but I had been allowed to so far, much to my relief.

A glance at the clock told me it was time to go, so I quickly thanked Katherine before slipping out of the room and making my way to the music room. I wasn't sure whether Drake had found it through exploring or by asking a maid, but I had almost forgotten that it existed. The third floor was reserved for guest rooms, though being royalty, Drake and his father were both on the second floor. But, as I ascended the winding staircase, I brushed the thoughts aside and took a deep breath to calm my excitement.

The music room wasn't very large, and mostly consisted of a series of instruments, including the pianoforte and violins, a set of couches, and a blazing fireplace that warmed the room pleasantly. Drake stood by the large windows, a small smile on his face. When I entered, he looked startled, but the expression was soon replaced by another bright smile.

"I'm glad you decided to come," he said.

"I wouldn't miss it," I replied cheerfully. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leighton standing in one corner. "Good morning, Leighton."

"Good morning, Your Highness," he said, a fist over his heart as he bowed. He seemed . . . tense. "Until Lady Diane arrives, I have been assigned as your chaperone." I nodded, offering a smile before turning back to Drake. It would be unusual to have someone watching us, but I supposed that was the proper and expected way of courting.

"What do you have planned?" I asked. Drake just gave me a grin that made my heart flutter.

The next hour was filled with playing card games and telling stories about our lives. I wasn't at all surprised to hear that as a child, Drake got into plenty of trouble. Many of his stories left me clutching my sides from laughter, and every time I did, his eyes seemed to soften. My stories showed how different our childhoods were – being brought up as a lady, I was under stricter guidance. Being a woman, and especially one of royalty, most of my life would be controlled.

"I hear it was your birthday," Drake said mildly.

I nodded and said, "A few days ago, yes." What was he getting at? I watched as a small smile slowly spread across his face and he pulled out a small box and silently passed it to me. Fighting to keep my hands steady, I gently tugged the ribbon off the box and opened it, sharply inhaling at the inside. In a nest of satin was a necklace with a golden chain and three blue pearls hanging off. "Oh Drake, this is beautiful," I breathed, suddenly very glad that I hadn't chosen any jewellery that day.

"I'm glad you like it," he said, sounding quite pleased. "I went to see the markets this morning – your kingdom has such delights."

I smiled up at him, before shyly asking him to put it on me. His eyes lit up even more, if that were even possible, and he took the necklace from the box. I swept my hair from my neck, turning so my back faced him. He took his time fastening the clasp, though I wasn't sure if he was doing so on purpose or if he simply struggled to close it. I was sure my face was red, and I shivered slightly as his fingers brushed against my neck.

"Thank you," I murmured, stroking the blue pearls. I had never seen anything like them before – white pearls were common, but it was rare to see them in any other shade.

We stared at each other for a few moments, my cheeks glowing slightly. But Drake, after hesitating a moment, asked, "Do you play the pianoforte? I would love to do a duet." I nodded, grinning at the idea, and we both went over to it in the corner. After sliding onto the bench, I stroked the ivory keys, closing my eyes to recall the lessons I had as a child.

"You were taught to play?" I asked – a silly question, considering he asked for a duet, but he smiled nonetheless.

"I had little free time even as a child, but whenever I could, I would sneak into my mother's music room. She would give me lessons, and I hired a tutor after she passed away." He had a sad smile on his face, and I placed a hand on his in silent comfort. I knew little about their kingdom, and didn't know when the former queen passed away. But the loss of a parent, no matter how long ago it was, would continue to be a wound. "Would you sing?" He suddenly asked. "As we play, I mean."

"Of course," I smiled.

Our kingdoms would likely have different songs and music, but I was grateful when he began to play a popular song that was known within both kingdoms. I followed his low notes with a light melody, my fingers dancing over the keys. Closing my eyes and playing from memory, I began to sing: it was an old tale; one that was told for generations and was considered a legend within the kingdom.

"Starlight, starlight: do you hear them in the night?
Walking through the silent meadow,
Whispering 'bout their lonely night.
Moonlight, moonlight: do you see them in the night?
What wraiths want is not our own,
But to control magic's harsh smite.
Daylight, daylight: scares away the wraiths of night.
The land full of peace and nothing more,
Ready for the final rite."

After a few low notes, the song ended and I opened my eyes. Turning, I saw Drake watching me, his lips parted in . . . awe?

"Are you alright?" I asked uncertainly. After a moment, he blinked as if to leave his thoughts, and smiled.

"That was beautiful," he said, kissing my knuckles. In the corner, Leighton cleared his throat, but we ignored him, too enchanted with one another to care. "They say the song is a legend, and some consider it history."

I hummed, adding, "It's been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. A common legend, for both kingdoms to know of it."

His eyes twinkled and I knew the last thing on his mind was history, so he asked, "Would you . . . want to do another song?" I just smiled.

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