Chapter Five

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The ball in honour of the foreign royals was to be held that evening, and a glance at the front gates told me that dozens of nobles had been invited. Whether to encourage ties or for a show of the kings, I didn't know. But I was nervous – I was terrible with large crowds.

Katherine clicked her tongue as a hint for me to stop fidgeting as she straightened the garniture of my gown. That evening, I had selected a rich blue gown made from silk and lace – extravagant enough to satisfy judgmental nobles, and comfortable enough for me to survive the ball.

"I hear you have made an impression on the prince," Katherine commented, arranging my hair around the crystal tiara sitting on my head. I hummed a response, not really paying attention. "He's quite the looker – I wonder if everyone in their kingdom is naturally more attractive."

"Katherine!" I gasped, my cheeks going red. "A lady such as yourself should not speak like that."

"All due respect, Your Highness," she chuckled, "After you have a child or two, you really become desensitised to sex." I closed my eyes to wash away the thoughts of Drake, silently cursing Katherine, though I knew she only did it to ease my nerves. "Have fun with prince charming."

I was quick to scurry out of the room, praying my cheeks would no longer be red by the time I reached the ballroom. I was lucky that I met no one in the hallways. As I reached the ballroom, I took a deep breath, composing myself before entering. The two guards by the doorway gave me kind smiles.

The ballroom was extravagant. Lively music filled the room, bouncing off the glittering chandeliers and gilded walls. My deep breath filled my lungs with the sweet scent of perfume and chocolate. They say chocolate brings young ladies good luck when finding a suitor – after all, chocolate attracts romance. My heart fluttered at the thought, but I was quick to brush the thoughts away.

As I weaved through the crowd of dancers and groups of nobles talking, I kept a sweet smile on my face. While nobles intimidated me, the few recognisable faces within the crowd kept my smile steady. I was relieved when I reached the two golden thrones, where my parents sat. I curtsied low before ascending the dais and perching at my mother's feet.

"How are you feeling, my dear?" she asked, grasping my hands.

"Very well," I replied, keeping my words brief. Eavesdroppers brought about gossip and trouble – I had long since learned to keep my mouth shut at events. "I fell as if the incident never happened at all."

"I'm glad to hear that," she murmured, seeming to be lost in her thoughts. She was silent for a few moments before her eyes lit up. "Oh! I forgot to tell you earlier – your aunt will be staying with us in several days' time."

I grinned, my heart feeling light. "How wonderful! It's been years since she last visited."

"Indeed. She is a very busy woman." Unlike the majority of women in my kingdom, Aunt Diane hated the idea of marriage and having children. She pursued an occupation of her own – something that was often frowned upon. Not that she cared.

My eyes drifted to scan the crowd, and I perked up when I saw Drake and his father enter the ballroom. People whispered and stared, but they moved towards the thrones as if they didn't notice. It was likely the crown on the king's head that upset them – though he was a king, so shouldn't he show his status?

I met Drake's eyes and we smiled at one another.

"I'm so pleased that you came," Father said, descending the dais to shake the king's hand. A sharp look from Mother sent the nobles back to their gossiping and dancing, and I noticed both kings looked slightly relieved at that.

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