Chapter 8 - For The First Time in Forever(II)

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Most people would have a sense of excitement to be crowned ruler of a land with a bit of nervousness that comes with that kind of responsibility. But Elsa only felt nervous to be around people besides her personal butler and close friend, (Y/N). 

Over their years together, (Y/N) had become the only one Elsa ever felt safe and calm around. Almost every night since her parents death, Elsa had (Y/N) sleep with her in her room.

Her power of ice and snow, which was activated by touching something did not affect (Y/N) in any way, mostly due to the fact that he was also like her, someone who had powers of his own and had much better control than her, something she always envied from him. There she was, in her father's study, trying to get her emotions under control before the big occasion.

Elsa was snapped from her thoughts when she heard a knock from the door. Putting up a proper and formal front, Elsa urged for them to come in. Once she saw it was only her butler (Y/N), she relaxed a bit. She notices the silver tray he was carrying, and on top of the tray were teacups and a teapot filled with brewed tea, the scent of chamomile wafting from it, served with a variety of sweet and savory foods.

"You look tense, your highness," The butler noticed. "Perhaps some tea?"

The future queen nodded. "Yes, please."

The young butler settled the tray on a nearby coffee table as Elsa sat on the couch in front of the table. Elsa grabs her teacup and (Y/N) pours the tea onto her cup, before serving himself with his own. Elsa helped herself with "some" of the sweets served on the tray.....

Scratch some, and replaced it with all of it. Because by the time, (Y/N) tried to grab himself a small macaroon from the tray, the tray was completely empty. (Y/N) blinked his eyes a couple of times to see if he was hallucinating, but he was not hallucinating. Elsa also noticed this, and immediately blushed in embarrassment as (Y/N) lightheartedly laughed at his mistress' love for sweets.

Elsa joined him in laughing a minute later. Elsa rarely laughed, and when she did, it was music to the butler's ear that he could listen to it for hours on end. They stared at it each other for a moment, smiles present on their faces. But then Elsa's smile falters and turns her head away, much to (Y/N)'s dismay as he placed his teacup back on the tray.


This immediately got the future queen's attention. (Y/N) rarely spoke her name, and when he would, it would be when they are conversing as friends, and when he is serious about a certain topic that concerns his mistress.

"I can see that something is really troubling you. You know you can always count on me," he reassured, reaching for her gloved hand to calm her.

"In all honesty, (Y/N). I'm scared." she said to her butler.

"You just have to relax, Elsa. I will be right by your side the entire time, everything will go just as planned for today. The gates shall be open only for your coronation and a short party afterwards. Then you can open and close the gates as you see fit. Because after the coronation, you will no longer be a princess, but a queen for the kingdom of Arrendelle."

Elsa took a deep breath. She looked back to (Y/N), his hair was combed back in a classy fashion, but if Elsa had to admit, he looked better with his usual unkempt hair. He was wearing his dark butler suit with a white undershirt, a gray vest, a blue tie and black dress shoes.

It was no mistake. Today was the day. The coronation day.

It was not the training day, not the day for preparation, not even the day of the rehearsal. It was the day. The day all of it - every, single little aspect of her life - either completely ended, or completely began. She didn't exactly know which, and in a way, she almost didn't want to know.

Maybe, just maybe, it was both... but who could tell?. All she understood was that it was going to lead to some very intense change to her quiet, secluded life in her bedroom, change that she wasn't quite sure she was prepared for just yet. And as for what form of change it was, she could only guess. Only time would tell.

It was strange. She'd spent her entire life being trained for one purpose and one purpose only... becoming queen. And she had always, or almost always, strove towards that purpose with as much vigor and grace as she could manage. During the last three years of her life - the years in which she had adjusted to an existence without her mother and father by her side - she had even started to think of herself as a queen, not even needing the official ceremony to advance from her former title.

When she looked in the mirror, it was not Princess Elsa she saw, but Queen Elsa: the one and only. A queen now, a queen then, a queen always. It had been in her blood since the beginning. One would think that one silly little ritual to make it final wouldn't really be such a worrisome and nerve-wrecking thing.

Oh, but it was. More than she could imagine.

Elsa placed her unfinished tea back on the tray walked towards the window the gave a clear view of the castle bridge that leads to the castle gates, the gloom look coming back to her. (Y/N) sadly sighed at Elsa's self-melancholy yet again as he cleaned the coffee table with a clean cloth he got from the tray. He carries the tray elegantly as he makes his way towards the door.

"I'll just place this back on the kitchen and look for your sister. Who knows where she could be right now." The butler chuckled to himself at the last part, but Elsa paid him no heed as she continued to stare at the people approaching the gates. With a sad look on his face, (Y/N) left the room.

Don't let them in, don't let them see.

Be the good girl you always have to be.

How could she concentrate with that bubble of fear expanding and contracting so rapidly in her chest? How could she breath when her own anticipation squeezed and strangled her lungs like a balloon being twisted into the shape of an animal? How could she stand up there, in front of the entire world, and just smile as if nothing was bothering her, as if her whole world wasn't a mistake away from coming apart? And, most importantly, how could she keep herself from revealing her powers when all her overactive nerves made her a ticking, icy time-bomb?

Conceal, don't feel. Put on a show.

It was hopeless, she knew it was. Even as she held the small, golden relics in her ungloved hand - merely replicas of the ancient objects she would have to clasp in her actual coronation - she could not even begin to control herself. Her sheer nerves covered their bases with a thick, unignorable layer of frost and snow, and before long they had turned to icicles in her palms.

If she couldn't hold herself in up here, alone and safe in her room, how could she possibly expect to do it in front of a crowd of thousands of people? She couldn't, that was the unarguable truth.

Make one wrong move and everyone will know.

Today, she knew, was the day everything would change for her. The day that she, and her parents, and her entire kingdom had waited for since the very moment she had been brought into the earth. From here on out, her life had the ability to spiral off into two different, equally terrifying directions.

One, she could somehow manage to make it through the day, spending the rest of her life as the queen of Arendelle as she juggled both her responsibilities, and her secret, in the palm of her hand.

Or two, she could freak out and completely ruin her chances at a semi-normal life, having to flee under all her peoples' accusing, hateful stares and start her new life as a runaway.

At the moment, neither option seemed like a desirable one, but oh-well. She figured it didn't really matter much, anyway. No good worrying about it, not when there was nothing she could do to change it. She was as ready as she'd ever be, and there was not a thing in the world that would allow her to stray from the path that lay so ominously awaiting her.

There was nothing she could do, nothing she'd ever be able to do, to alter her destiny. Either she was going to survive, or she wasn't. It was as simple as that. She just needed to stop her hopeless worrying and calm down. Life was life.

But it's only for today. It's agony to wait.

Taking a deep breathe, forcing herself to be brave despite the fear that swirled so perilously within her, Elsa made up her mind. And when that girl made up her mind, she seldom changed it. In one quick swish of her dress, accomplishing a complete spin on the ground below her, she turned to face her door and open it, two rows of maids stood complacently by her doorway, waiting for command. Well, if command they wanted, command they would get.

"Tell the guards to open up the gates!"

Disney Frozen: Elsa x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now