Chapter 11 - The Search Begins

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The wind was no longer howling, it was screaming. Elsa was moving fast, and she wasn't showing any sign of slowing down. The cold did not affect her, and she barely noticed the obstreperous snowstorm forming behind her.

She needed to escape from her life, to leave everyone behind and start anew. She would not hurt her sister, or her beloved butler (Y/N), or anyone else ever again. Anna and (Y/N) swirled in her mind, and a pain developed in her throat.

Her footsteps weakened, her resolve and determination began to falter. Guilt began to kindle in her heart,

"I abandoned her again..." she thought, "How many times will I hurt her?"

The pace stopped.

For one long rhapsodic moment, Elsa thought of her sister, and decided that tonight would be the last time she would ever harm her Anna again. She would never return to her kingdom, it was the only way to keep Anna safe. With a heavy heart, Elsa resumed her pace and began her journey to the northern mountain.




"Yes, snow!"

Snow. What was once a hot summer season in the kingdom of Arendelle had slowly turned into a winter season as fresh snow had started falling from the sky. The citizens of Arendelle murmured amongst themselves in confusion and fear at what was going on and what they had just witnessed a while ago.

Their queen had powers of ice and snow.

Anna, Hans, and (Y/N) walked past the citizens as they make their way back to the castle. Hans hugged his clothes closer to his body for more warmth, while Anna rubbed her exposed arms shoulders to warm herself from the sudden cold. (Y/N) was also feeling the bite of the cold, but he hid his discomfort well.

"Are you alright?" Hans asked.

"No." Anna simply answered.

"Did you know?"

Anna remained silent for a brief moment as if she was contemplating, before she finally answered, "No..."

Anna then turns her attention to her sister's butler. "Did you know about this, (Y/N)?"

But before (Y/N) himself could answer, they came across the Duke of Weselton and his two gruff men.

"Oh, no. Look, it's snowing. It's snowing! The queen has cursed this land! She must be stopped! You have to go after her." He rambled in panic, grabbing one of his men by the scruff of his neck

"Wait, no!"

"You!" The duke glared daggers at the princess, grabbing both of his men in front of him as if for protection. "Is there sorcery in you, too? Are you a monster, too?!"

Disney Frozen: Elsa x Male!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin