Chapter 14 - Olaf

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The sun was just about to rise, giving the snow a beautiful shimmer as (Y/N) along with his ragtag crew of headstrong princess, a buff mountaineer and his really smart reindeer, ventured into the frozen mountain wilderness. 

Just as they were trudging through the snow, Anna gasps at what she sees below the mountain range, making the rest halt and stare in shock as well.

"Arrendelle..." Anna sighed emphatically at kingdom's current predicament.

"It's completely frozen..." Kristoff stared in shock.

"All will be well when we find Elsa." The butler says so encouragingly, "She's the only one who can undo this."

"Will she?"

"Yeah." Anna agrees so without a doubt. "Now, come on. This way to the north mountain?" She asks, pointing in a random direction while still staring at the kingdom.

Kristoff chuckles meekly at this. "Heh, more like.. this way..." correcting Anna's arm into pointing up towards the large and tall mountain. Anna gasps at the sight, while (Y/N) sighs at this dreading the thought of having to climb up the mountain, hoping he could just fly up there, but his conscious restricts him from doing so, seeing as he can't really leave Anna to Kristoff...

After a few more minutes of walking, they came into a large clearing of trees with a frozen pond in the center, with the weeping willow branches covered in frozen droplets of water. In the distance there was also a small frozen waterfall.

The place was a beautiful winter wonderland; freezing, but beautiful all the same. Sven walked ahead of them jumping excitedly through the low hanging branches that sounded like chimes as they got tangled in his antlers.

"Fascinating," (Y/N) commented breathily, staring around in awe.

"I never knew winter could be so.. Beautiful."

As Anna said this, Sven the reindeer finally catches up to the trio, branches covered in frozen droplets tangled in his antlers.

"Yeah... It really is beautiful isn't it? But it's so white!" A voice gushed.

(Y/N) hummed in alarm as the voice was unfamiliar. He started turning his head from side to side to look for the source of the voice, whilst ungloving his dominant hand, mists of wind starting to form around his palm. His attention then lands on the reindeer....

Unless, of course...

"Did... Did your reindeer actually spoke just now?" The butler inquired quizzically, much to the mountain man's bewilderment.

All of them stopped and quickly peered around not seeing anybody. Then Anna notices a small snowman sitting right behind one of the tree trunks.

"Oh (Y/N), if you wanted to build a snowman you could have asked! I happen to be an expert~" Anna teased, gently elbowing her sister's butler playfully.

Disney Frozen: Elsa x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now