Chapter 19 - Betrayal

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"Master (Y/N), please don't be stubborn. Will you give yourself a rest and let us treat your wound properly?"

One of Arendelle's guards insisted as he and the rest of the men trekked down the mountains, carrying the queen in your arms, while the duke's men are held in chains for their attempt to endanger the queen's life as well as his. 

 "That bandage isn't going to last much longer or you'll end up with an infection!" One of them continued.

"I'm fine." He stated resolutely, not wanting to trust anyone right now.

Who knows, there could be others likes those two among them that are ready to kill his queen at a moment of weakness. Then again, the guard was right. The clumsily-tied bandage on his wounded shoulder was beginning to become more loose with each step he takes, blood started escaping from it, leaving behind a trail of blood on the once-pristine white snow, as well as exposing his wound to the outdoor elements

Just then, perhaps out of pity or generosity, Hans hops off his horse and approaches the exhausted butler. "You can take a rest, I'll take good care of the queen."

The way Hans had said it was. . . . . . ominously chilling. 

Just before (Y/N) could have the time to think, he felt a sudden prick on his nape as the prince patted him on the back. Out of instinct, (Y/N)'s body instantly turned to the prince.

"What did you..."

The young valet's eyes suddenly grew dim, and became extremely drowsy. (Y/N) tries to take a step but he nearly fumbles when his knees tried to give up on him.

"Master (Y/N)!" One of the guards approaches to lend a hand, but the valet simply snaps at him to stay back and told him he's alright.

But he wasn't.

Whatever Prince Hans had pricked him with, he started to feel its effects with each passing second. He felt the strong urge to just sleep right then and there. He started fighting against it, but the more he struggled, the more difficult it became to overcome it. Arendelle's guards took notice of this, preparing to help the valet should something happen.

And in just four short minutes of walking, (Y/N) finally falls forward and crashes on the snow, but not before Hans has caught Elsa off of the valet's arms, who has been trailing the young valet.

"Master (Y/N)!"

The guards immediately rush to his aid, placing him on a makeshift stretcher the guards had prepared should something like this were ever to happen. They then began treating his wound after carefully placing the valet to the stretcher.

"Poor man, must have terribly exhausted from all the excursion he had to endure when he and Princess Anna were trying to find the queen." Hans sympathetically stated. "He deserves a much needed rest, see to it that the queen's valet survives the trip back to the castle."

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