Chapter 18 - Fixer Upper

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(Y/N) groaned as he woke up, his vision clearing up. He tried sitting up, but throbbing pain coursed through his back made him hiss in pain. Elsa, who was pacing back in forth in the center of the room heard this. She was relieved and elated to see her valet finally regain consciousness.

"(Y/N)!" Elsa instinctively run up to hug him, but decided not to as her powers weren't still under control.

The valet is able to take notice of this, judging by the ominous red color of Elsa's ice in the room. (Y/N) never saw something like this in his tenure of helping Elsa establish control of her powers.

 He knew her emotion were connected to her powers, but what he wasn't able to discern is he wasn't expecting for it to have her emotions have so much profound effect to point that it changes the colors of her ice. At the moment, he knew it was a clear sign of his mistress' growing powers.

"I-I..." Elsa started, nervously stammering all the while, trying to find the right words. "About what ha-happened... I didn't-- Wha-What are you doing?"

Elsa looked on with great anxiety as her butler slowly approached her. The only thing she could do right now was back away slowly, but surely, her hands raised in defense.

He reached out a hand, which Elsa expects he is summoning his wind magic to blast at her in retaliation for what he did. And she wouldn't even blame him for it.

"I deserve it," she thought to herself as she closed her eyes, awaiting her valet's strike.

But it never came.

Instead, Elsa felt a warm, firm grip on her wrist, guiding her hand towards something. When she opened her eyes, imagine her surprise when her hand was touching his chest, right over where his heart would be. There was no ice, frost or snow escaping from her hands that would've coated (Y/N)'s uniform. It was just... there, feeling the steady heartbeat of her valet.

"Why do you have so little faith in yourself, milady?" (Y/N) said, his eyes almost looking hurt. "I know you never meant to hurt me. And even if you did, I would never, do you hear me, never hurt you back. Because I care about you, more than I care about my own."

Elsa can't help, but choke back a sob at what he said. But when her butler tugged her hand forward and wrapped his arms around her, she let her emotions loose. She cried heavily on his shoulder as she let herself completely lost in his embrace.

There was something so warm, something that felt right, smelt right. She let her body sag, her muscles become loose. (Y/N) hugged her even tighter. He gave her the respect of an equal but cradled her like the most cherished person. 

In that embrace, the red ice in that room slowly turned into a more mellow golden color. 

She felt her worries loose their keen sting and her optimism raise its head from the dirt. Perhaps the hope had been there all along, but without some love it was trapped, like crystals in a stone. She felt him brush her loose strands of hair in front of her head aside with his fingers, then his thumb brushed gently across her cheek, wiping off any tears  still visible in her delicate face.

In that moment, Elsa can't help but stare fully at her valet's face. This is the only time she ever got this close to (Y/N) she took note of even the most minute little details she wasn't able to notice on his face from before. His (E/C) looked more radiant than before, she can't help but get lost in them. Then her eyes landed on his lips...

They looked a little chapped, probably due to the cold, but that didn't stop her from slowly leaning in, her eyes gradually closing. (Y/N)'s eyes widened, startled, but he didn't back away. Their lips were mere inches away from touching, when they heard the sound of snow being crushed under boot and voices outside the castle.

Disney Frozen: Elsa x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now