Chapter 17 - Control It!

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"Hey, stop! Put us down!" Anna yelled at the monster made out of snow as she struggled to free herself.

Marshmallow had grabbed the unwanted visitors and tossed them down the icy steps, passing by Sven on the way, his tongue stuck on the icy, cold railing of the stairs. 

"Go away!" roared the ginormous snowman. 

But Olaf remained in Marshmallow's arms, having come apart with all the jostling.

 "You are a lot stronger than I think you realize," he told the snow giant, who only howled and threw Olaf, one piece at a time, down the mountain. 

"Heads up!" Olaf's head shouted as it soared past Anna and Kristoff. The head crashed into a snowbank. 

"Olaf!" cried Anna, racing over to Olaf's head.

 "Watch out for my butt!" he warned. 

Anna and Kristoff jumped out of the way just as the rest of Olaf's body slammed into the snowbank. Offended by this, Anna picked up a handful of snow and molded it into a ball. Then she flung it at the huge snowman. 

"It is not nice to throw people!" she shouted angrily. 

The snowball hit its mark, alright. Marshmallow ,unamused by this,  roared out, forming large icicles from his bodies and his eyes glowed —and charged after them!

"Good job, feisty-pants," Kristoff said to Anna, who winces at her action. "Now you made him mad!" 

"I'll distract him," Olaf said." You guys go!" 

Just as soon as he said this, Olaf's belly and butt fell of the snowbank and took off in opposite directions. 

"No, not you guys!" he yelled to the two body balls before his head finally fell to the snow. He sighed, his voiced muffled as his mouth is against the snow. "This just got a whole lot harder."

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 Anna and Kristoff slid down the mountain. When they reached the bottom, Marshmallow was already there!

"Look out!" Kristoff called. They quickly got up and ran through a maze of trees and snowbanks, with Marshmallow approaching close behind them.

Disney Frozen: Elsa x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now