I Just Want to Leave

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Daichi's POV

After Suga left unexpectedly this morning, I was worried. Is he okay? Did he get home okay? Is he safe?

After a certain time, I couldn't worry any longer. I called him. It took a while actually...


His voice was quiet. Soft. Broken?

D- hey...did you make it home okay?

S- mhm...

He wasn't acting normally...you could hear him choke up on the other side of the phone.

D- are you okay?

He chokes up again, letting a muffled cry ring through the phone.

S- n-no...

D- Suga?

He lets out a few more muffled cries.

D- calm down...it's okay...

S- I-It's not...it's not. It's really not.

D- are you breathing okay? In and out?

He tries but fails.

S- I -I can't...Daichi...

D- Hey, Hey...it's going to be okay...I'm here, I'm here, okay?

S- mhm...

D- do you want to talk about something else?

S- mhm..please?

D- so, today my mom got a dog. I don't know where but it's a puppy.

He chuckles sadly on the other side of the phone, I smile, there's that smile I love.

D- it already tore up my blankets and everything.

S- even the grey one?

D- no. I got that one saved. Because I'm the hero of blanketville.

He laughs lightly, sniffling as he calms down.

S- what's its name?

D- we don't really know yet. Maybe you could list down some names?

He chuckles slightly before responding.

S- o-okay! So what's the gender?

This seemed to calm him down a lot. You could still hear his teary voice but it wasn't as bad.

———3 hours later———

We were laughing and he seemed better completely....but does that mean he's actually better?

You could hear his door slam open on the other side of the phone.

S- come on. We're going somewhere. Hurry up.

The strict voice sounded like his mother.

S- ...I-I have to go...

D- oh..okay, yeah.

S- I love you.

D- I love you too...bye.

S- later.


....great. Now what?

—— —— —— ——

After a few hours I tried to call back, no answer.

A few hours after that, tried calling again, no answer. I didn't know if it was annoying or not to send text messages, but I did.

Vanilla (A Daisuga FanFic) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora