It was Imaki

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Sugawara's POV

I wake up without that pain in my stomach. The whitewashed walls brought back a lot of memories.

'If you need to go,'s okay. Just-''m not- no.

I finally open my eyes and see Daichi asleep on the couch next to hospital bed. I look down at my wrist, poison? Poison...

I look back over at Daichi. It wasn't him. He only brought the food. Right? It fight just be food poisoning...but couldn't fit the "food" right?

The IV in my arm caused me not to move too much. I couldn't remember anything from today..yesterday? I don't know. I remember running, having that pain in my stomach and heart.


'Go see you dad, now.' I can't...he's in Tokyo. No. I can't. I'm just messing everything up. I kept running and running, until I couldn't anymore. I could barely even sit up without feeling dizzy. I sat on a rock, keeping my head low to reduce the strong pain in my head.



Daichi was close...every time he was next to me or close I could feel my heart race. Every single time. Even if he was miles away,I could feel him. Soon after, I could hear him running closer.


That's all I can remember. Everything else was a blur.

Daichi's eyes slowly open, he blinks a couple times before he looks up at me. I feel the sides met of lips turn into a small smile.

"Suga..." he shakes his head and shuts his eyes, "I-is anything wrong...?" I ask quietly, almost a whisper. My throat hurt. Too much. Daichi shakes his head, "no, I'm sorry." Those words filled my stomach with guilt. I'm sorry. I knew what those words meant. I know how he felt.

I clear my throat, "d-don't..." I cough up and feel the taste of blood in my mouth. Poison wouldn't do this...

"Suga?" Daichi sits up, racing towards me. I touch the side of my mouth and pull my hand away to see blood.

"We need a nurse-" Daichi tries to run away but I grab his arm to stop him, shaking my head.

"But Suga-" I couldn't talk anymore. As much as I tried. I kept opening my mouth to talk but I couldn't. I finally let go of his arm, curling myself up.

"Why don't you-"

"J-Just go...please? G-Get help.." I asked, in the smallest voice I had left, coughing up more.


"The poison seemed to effect his lungs."

"Do we know what poison it is?"

"Sadly, no. We do not. It doesn't seem like food poisoning anymore. It seems to be like someone poisoned him. Maybe a stranger."

I filtered out the rest. Clinging around myself made me feel safer. I hated it here. I didn't want to be here.

I feel arms wrap around me and I just shake my head quickly, turning around to wrap my arms around him as well.

"Can you talk?" I shake my head again and he pets my head. I hated this. I wanted to talk so much. I wanted to explain so much. Daichi sighs, something was on his mind.

"s-say..." I clear my throat, "w-what's wrong....?" I ask too quietly...but enough for him to hear me.

"2 days ago Imaki gave me uhm-"

"A-A 'medication'?" I ask quietly again. He looks at me and nods while I clear my throat.

"It's my fault your here...I trusted him and-"

"H-He..." Daichi hands me his phone and I nod, giving him a small smile.

Daichi's POV

He hands me back the phone for me to read.

'He's been doing this for year. It's something that's always different. It isn't your fault. I swear.' I look over at him as I place my phone down.

"You probably don't want me to do anything about it either ,do you?" Suga shakes his head. "N-No..." his voice was small. I sigh silently as I wrap my arms back around him. He refused to look at me this entire time. He kept glancing but never looking.

"Won't you let me walk you home from school..?" I sing to him quietly. His shoulders seem to relax from it's curled up state.

"Won't you let me meet you at the pool?" I chuckle comes out of Suga, with a large smile on his face.

"Maybe Friday I can get tickets for the dance...and I'll take" I grab his hand and hold it lightly, kissing his temple. I didn't want carry on. The next lyric wasn't the best, 'won't you tell your dad to get off my back.' I wasn't ready for that conversation yet. Besides, Suga can barely talk.

"I promise, Suga...I'm always going to be here. Okay?" Suga nods and smiles, finally looking towards me.

I love him so much...

But if I say this out loud..

It might end up hurting him in the end..


Hi! Okay so, this would've got done WAY SOONER but I got writers block and once it was gone, I got really sick. I'm feeling a bit better. It is NOT COVID I got tested and it came back negative. Stay safe please ♥️ hope you enjoyed this shortish chapter

Words: 885

Finished: September 27, 2020






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