Days after Weeks

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Sugawara's POV

After a few days, I felt better. The pain and pit in my stomach disappeared. The only thing that remained was the inability to talk. But that was even getting better.

They still didn't know why I couldn't talk. They didn't know if my vocal chord torn or I got a node. But it wasn't painful.

Daichi was with me every step of the way. Making me smile,help me with missing school work,or even the newest volleyball news.

My mom came in once, telling me that she'd tell Imaki's parents. But I knew they wouldn't do anything. Imaki has a mind of a serial killer. He can lie his way out of anything. Pity. I pitied him.

As much as I hated the hospital and the pity people would give me, it helped me recover, physically and mentally. Everybody made me feel better. They didn't pity me. They just acted as if everything was normal. wasn't normal at all.

Before I knew it, I was discharged. I was able to talk, but it wasn't that loud. They told me that less talking would be better. And I think the inability for me to talk just made things better.

Daichi grabs my hand and leads me outside, twirling me around, causing me to giggle.

"I'm so happy you're out." He smiles, swinging our hands back and forth lightly. As we see Sora walk out the hospital, we start walking.

"Me too." I say quietly, with a smile. I missed it outside. I missed the birds singing ,the fresh air, the bright colors, and I missed myself.

Sora's POV

I walk out the hospital and find the two boys, twirling each other around, with big smiles. A small smile peers from my lips. I've never seen Daichi this happy. I don't know what Kōushi did...or does...but I think it's a miracle. Since he met him, he's been more open and talks to me a lot more. He trusts me now.

I remember last night, Daichi was crying. I asked him what was wrong and he just hung onto me. I kept patting his back, telling him it'd be okay. All he said was 'i miss him.'Over and over and over again. Without Suga talking, we didn't get anything new. Just the things the doctors were telling us. It made Daichi upset. He at least wanted to know what poison it was. But once he'd see Suga, he was perfectly fine. He'd talk about his day to him and Suga would smile. His smile was bright. It would make anyone's day feel better.

I just wish that these next two months...will make both of them happy.

Daichi's POV

For the last couple days, Suga's been getting better. He's been eating more and more everyday and he doesn't complain about pain anymore. But...on those days he was gone, I'd worry. I'd worry he wouldn't eat. I'd worry about his mental health. I'd worry about him.

Seeing him out of the hospital, makes me calmer. Knowing that he'd be with me for two months. It made me so happy.



"Hm?" He looks up at me as we turn the corner of my street.

"Can we take a walk?" I ask and he nods his head, "yeah, we can." His voice was still dry and quiet but it was getting better. We stop walking as we turn back to tell my mom.

"Hey, Mom?" I shout and she looks up from her phone.

"We're going to head on a walk through the park! Go ahead and head home!" She smiles and waves her hand, telling us to go on. We turn right and begin walking through the calm park.

"I want to take you somewhere, Suga." He clears his throat before responding, "and where is that?"

"If I tell you, it would be pretty obvious of what I want to do." Suga hits my arm teasingly before shaking his head. I chuckle and smile at him.


We find a quiet and empty space in a small garden. We sit down in the grass and lay down, looking up at the sky.

"This is nicer than a hospital room." I look over at him to find Suga have his eyes shut, his bushy bangs sort of covering them.

"A lot of things are better than a hospital room."

"I guess you got a point there." He brushes his bangs out of the way and rolls over to his side, facing me, followed by me doing the same action. We just stared at each other, enjoying each other's company. I shuffle closer to him and put my arms around his waist. I rest my forehead on his and all you could hear was our breathing and birds singing. As his breathing touched my nose, I got chills.

'I love you so much...' is what I wanted to say. But...what if this was just a small relationship. What if we don't have a future...? At all?

I press my lips onto his until it was getting hard to breathe.

"I love you so much..." it just slipped. I didn't mean to say it. His expression seemed surprised. His lips thinned and his eyes widen, his face was light pink.

"D-Daichi..." he whispered, not trying to strain his voice. I get up quickly and start pacing.

"I-I'm sorry! It just slipped and I-I don't know if that's how-"

"Daichi..." he says a little louder, grabbing my arms to stop my pacing. He cups my face quickly before giving another kiss.

"Don't worry about it." He smiles before taking my hand and walking back home. It was silent. We didn't talk about it nor did we want to.

And it stayed like that for a whole week.

After this week, Suga got better. He started speaking again and he always had a wide smile. He got along with more people..but I wouldn't see him as much. We'd only have the morning and night to be alone.

'Hey Suga! are you free for lunch?' No.

'Can we talk before practice?' Sorry. I promised _______ that I'd help them with their receives.

'Can we walk home?' No, sorry. I promised ______ I'd help them study.

It frustrated me...a lot. I would only see him at night, and even then he'd be too tired to do anything.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of his progress but...I missed the old Suga. I missed when I was his only friend...

I feel someone bump into my shoulder and see a book about to fall. I catch it quickly as hand it back to them.

"O-Oh! Thank you much!" It was a short-haired brunette. She looked familiar but I couldn't quite figure it out.

"D-Daichi!?" I blink a couple times before realizing who it was...



Well, hello there : )






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