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Sugawara's POV

As I get a little farther from Daichi's house, I finally put on the hood. The coat is a little oversized. It was comfortable. It was his.

I slip the oversized sleeve over my hand and reach my hand over my mouth. I smelt him. It was...comforting. Like he was there. Like all my worries could just fade away. The pouring rain was pouring on the hood, making it damp but not enough to make me cold. It was still spring. It was just spring rain. Why was he so worried? About me?

I open the door to see a letter from my mom on the table. I take off my shoes and the sweaters, the scent instantly going away, giving me that pit feeling in my stomach again.

I grab the note, "Hey Sugawara. I'm sorry for the late notice, but I have an emergency meeting out in Tokyo for a week. I'm sorry. There's food in the fridge. Love you, mom." I sigh as I place it in the box I keep all her letters. I go into the bathroom and sigh as I see myself in the mirror. I instantly look down, grabbing a towel to dry off.


I lay in bed, scrolling through my contacts. A new one popped up, "hey, Suga!"

S- Hi?

?- did you get home safely?

S- uhm...why?

?- OH! It's me Daichi : ) oops lmao.

S- How did you get my number!

D- I took your phone while you were cooking and looked at your number. Why don't you have a password on it or something?

S- because- that isn't the point! But yes, I did get home safely.

D- good : ) did the sweater work?

S- yeah, thanks. When do you want it back?

D- hmm...at the end of the year?

S- What! Are you crazy! Are you sure?

D- eh, yeah. It's okay. I got a couple more anyway. As long as you have a coat, right?

I smile at this as I type. I'm falling deeper...shit.

D- want to walk to school tomorrow?

I feel my face heat up as I instantly respond.

S- of course! 7:30. End of my street?

D- okay : ) talk to you tomorrow, Kōushi.

S- yeah, talk tomorrow : )

I shut off my phone and toss it onto my bed. I smile, biting my bottom lip. I rest my head on the pillow, still smiling.

?- you're still the pig you used to be, you know? You're still that person that never dated anyone before, loser. I hope you die🤢

I sigh as I block the number, the smile finally fading from my face. I haven't ate for that week because just looking at food made me sick. But at Daichi's, I was really hungry. Really hungry. So I just ate. I was comfortable with him. After that night in the club room, I trusted him. With my past,my present, and my future.

I look over at my dad's photo of us. I'm on dad's shoulders as we're at botoboto park. We had large smiles on our face. I can just hear his voice...


"Come on, kid. Those kids are just jealous that you have what they don't." My dad patted my back, looking at me with a big smile.

"W-what?Th-They don't have this u-ugly hair,they're not f-fat,they don't play v-volleyball!" I cry, tears dripping down my eyes.

"Firstly, son, we have the same hair so ouch but it's beautiful, it looks handsome on you." He ruffles my hair, "you're a twig, Suga. You're perfect weight." He says, picking me up, "and lastly, volleyball is the best sport in the world. They just don't notice it because they haven't seen your talent."

"I love you, Suga." His smile made me feel better.


I feel myself start to tear up. I walk downstairs and grab Daichi's hoodie. I pull it over myself as I feel a tear slip down my face.

"No no no no no no Suga..." I kept whispering to myself. This is my first proper cry over my dad. I didn't cry at his funeral. I didn't cry when they broke the news. I was just...sad.

Several more tears slipped down my face. I pulled the sleeve over my mouth again,putting the hood on. It was warm. And it smelt like Daichi. But that didn't stop the tears. I missed him. I missed him a lot.

Daichi's POV

I decided to call Suga, reminding him to drink water or something before going to sleep. I turn on my phone and call him, smiling.

"Hello...?" His voice sounded dry and...not so...himself?

"Are you okay?"

"U-uhm...yeah...just...tired." He's lying.

"Suga. What's wrong?" I hear him let out a small sob, "D-Daichi..."

"Remember my promise, I'm not going to run away. I'll be on my way."

"S-Stay on the phone...please?" I lightly smile, "yes"

I race over to his house, which he told me the address when I carried him home, and knock on the door. I open it, slipping off my wet shoes and jacket immediately, racing towards Suga, who is sitting on the second step of the stairs.

As soon as I sit next to him, he wraps his arms around me, just like at the club room. I repeat the same things I did, wrapping my arm around him and petting his hair. I breathe in and out slowly, enjoying the moment. He had my sweater on still, it was still lightly wet but not too much.

"Suga..." I whisper, he was so fragile. Like glass.

"I-I miss him...i...t-this is my first time crying over it..." his dad...

"Oh, Suga..." he let out a few more cries and I comforted him and stayed through it all. He was hurting. He couldn't breathe for some seconds and it made me worry. But he needed this. He hasn't cried over him in a year.

His breathing finally calmed and we kept staying in the same places we were, not wanting to move.

"I-I'm embarrassed...I'm sorry..." there it was again. Those two words. I silently sigh, "don't be embarrassed...it's okay." We sat there in silence. It seemed to be a force we used a lot. He didn't let go of me, he held onto me tighter.

As soon as I feel his grip loosen,I look down and see him asleep. His long eyelashes fluttering as they shut. It was so peaceful. It was...it felt..safe.

And warm.



sorry again. I'm weird.

Words- 1110

Finished- September 13, 2020





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