That Smile

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Sugawara's POV

"You're amazing, Suga!" Those words repeating in my head, all the way home. I took the long way so it didn't seem like I was following Daichi. He was handsome and so kind...and his spikes were perfect. For him to call me amazing, is amazing.

"You're home later than usual." My mother comments, sitting at the table, eyes still on her paperwork.

"Yeah, I joined the volleyball team, so I had practice, after practice, I took the long route home..." I explain, she nods her head, "yeah,that's great." Ever since dad died, she's been a workaholic.

I walk up to my room and shut the door quietly. I toss my bag across the room and slide down to the floor.

"You're amazing, Suga!" God...

I've been hiding my sexuality from everybody. Girls don't get me...intrigued. Sure, they're beautiful but they don't attract me...somehow those words coming out of someone like that made me...giddy? It made me feel like somebody cared about my well being.


I tossed and turned before looking up at the ceiling.

"Ugh...god. I don't even KNOW HIM!" I say aloud as I slap my face. I look over at my alarm clock and see it's 2 am. I groan as I throw a pillow on top of my face.

"You just met him, Suga. You don't even know if you like him! This might just be an attraction that won't be anything more!"

As the time slowly passes 4 am, I feel myself drifting asleep.




Great. I only got two hours of sleep...

Daichi's POV

"Hey, Daichi!" That voice, making me turn around. It's Suga, with a smile on his face. The circles around his eyes are slightly darker,but he's smiling so I won't ask about it.

"Hey, Suga!" He giggles, "I'm surprised you haven't forgotten my name." He says, quickly making his way up to me.

"How could I forget your name?" I feel the heat rise to my face, "I mean- you did come into volleyball late." Nice save.

"Well, usually freshman get stuck cleaning the classroom. Besides, mine wasn't as boring as yours." He teases, I laugh, "hey! Mine wasn't that bad! I just did what I get told."

"And that isn't as fun." He points out, "I like doing things on my own, it's more fun that way." He shrugs, turning his head to smile back at me. I give a small chuckle as we continue walking in a comfortable silence. All you could hear were the morning birds,the trees swaying from the wind,and our breathing. I kept glancing over at him and see him looking around.

"Have you always lived in Miyagi?" He shakes his head, "no. Just a couple weeks. Still getting used to how quiet it actually is." I look up at the sky. It's bright blue with white clouds.

"It's really peaceful but if you asked me to move to Tokyo right now, I would definitely go." Suga slightly smiles but he just looks at his feet, his smile disappearing. We then begin walking in a comfortable silence again.

Did I say something? Something probably offended him. No, I shouldn't think so much about it.

As soon as we walk into school I choose to break the silence, "See you at practice, Suga." I wave, he looks up at me and without a smile he says, "oh yeah, uhm- yeah, see you at practice." Hmm


Practice flew by quickly. I couldn't walk up to Suga for some reason. I stole glances from him every once in a while but he'd instantly look away as soon as I did.

"Yes, sir!" I hear Suga, I look over and see him bowing to the coach before running out of the gym. What's going on?

"Daichi!" I hear the coach's echoing voice. I jog over to him, "yes, sir?"

"May you help Sugawara with the boxes in the club room? I'm worried he might do something dangerous. That thin boy can flop down any second." I nod, "yes sir." I jog out to the club room and walked up to see Suga, having trouble picking up a box.

"Need help?" I ask, he jumps a bit, startled. I chuckle, "sorry, I should've at least knocked." I apologize, picking up the box. I look down and see that it's filled with books,posters,and much more.

"Oh uhm, thanks." He slightly smiles before turning around to grab something else. I walk out and place the box outside. I turn back and still see him, instead he's sitting on the floor.

"You okay?" He looks back and nods his head, "yeah, dizzy. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night...or ate breakfast." I race over to him, "why didn't you eat anything?" He flinches as I get closer.

"S-Sorry...force of habit..." he mumbles.

"Here, let's get this done, get off practice, and go to a near by cafe. 'Kay?" He nods as I help him up, he smiles at me and I smile back. There's that smile. The smile I love and can't live without.

Let's do this.


School starts tomorrow

Finished- September 7th





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