XXIV: The Show Belongs to the Flames

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My stomach drops and so does my mouth, "Pardon?"

"Miss Gale," Leila smirks and lifts my chin up, "Why else do you think he's hardly danced with any ladies? It's to be expected when you have an assigned partner."

"He's engaged?" I turn my gaze to the crowd searching for him. The bundle of people swell and mask his whereabouts with ease.

"Well, not yet technically. This year my brother has been assigned his partner, Bianca Robin. She'll stay with us for some time until they have secured their engagement. From there the wedding will be planned and they'll get married in the next year or two." Leila smiles at people passing by and sips on her champagne. "You should've learnt this in school, no?"

"I did," I caress my thumb over the necklace, "I didn't think he was assigned to anyone yet."

"Oh," Leila must've seen the disappointment on my face, as she reflects a similar expression, "Do you like—"

"May I have your attention!" Mr. Sanders stands on the stage with the band and smiles warmly to his guests, "I am so glad that you all could attend tonight. As some of you may know, a couple of months ago my son, Amell, was assigned his partner. His beautiful, wife-to-be Bianca Robin."

People cheer and I stand in a daze, my mind throbbing as I realize how foolish I've been. How could I think that he could possibly like me? Of course, he's promised to someone of higher standing. I am a Defect... I will never have someone to love or to marry.

I turn to Leila who's eyes lack her usual warmth and flair. Her face looks lost and her attitude remains distant. "Excuse me," she whispers and quickly finishes her champagne.

"Leila," I call in a breathy voice and grab her hand. She pauses before pulling away before dissolving into the enigmatic atmosphere, never turning to face me.

"My beautiful wife," Mr. Sanders gestures to Milly who smiles and raises her glass to everyone, "organized this party, much to my bank accounts regret."

Everyone laughs and Mr. Sanders lifts his glass, "None the less, tonight isn't about us, it's about Amell and Bianca. A toast to love and companionship!"

"To love and companionship!" Everyone cheers and clinks their glasses together, laughter and celebration saturate the room.

A woman with immeasurable beauty and of Asian descent smiles into the microphone, "Excuse me, everyone." The crowd quiets down and she locks eyes with Amell who sits on the piano bench in front of the wall-window. "My name is Bianca Robin for those who don't know me, and Amell and I wanted to play you a song as a little thank you for coming this evening."

Amell puts on a smile and leans into his own microphone, "It's a slow song so I think you know who chose it."

The crowd laughs and grabs partners as Amell begins to play the keys. I make my way over to the edge of the room and close my fist over the pendant of the necklace. Bianca chimes in with the lyrics of the song and it gives me goosebumps, she harmonizes Amell's music flawlessly. She spins off the stage and closes the gap between her and Amell, her sunset golden dress flowing behind her. They sing together in a little duet and it's obvious that they compliment each other in a way no one else could.

The song ends and people part from their dance partners as they cheer and clap. Amell stands up and delicately lifts Bianca's hand as they bow.

Someone in the crowd yells "Kiss!" And everyone laughs until Amell stoops down and kisses Bianca on the cheek. The crowd awes in adoration of young love. My mind catches hold of my heart and I smile and clap along. I am happy Amell has found someone who he can have a future with, I will banish any lingering affections I may have for Amell.

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