XI: Foreign Kindness

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The sun is just starting to peek over the mountains in the distance as we pass our final security check to enter the First Generation sector. My eyes widen in awe as the perfectly manicured landscapes are put on display. Fancy restaurants with high-end boutiques outline the cobblestone streets. There are flowerpots and beautiful people everywhere. This is the hotspot, the center of all things perfect. I roll down the window and take a breath of the fresh air as the wind runs it's fingertips through my hair.

"Welcome to my home," Amell mumbles.

I don't bother to try and speak, knowing the words that will tumble from my tongue will not make any sense. Turning down a smooth ash flat road, away from the small town we are surrounded by giant elm trees. We turn down a long twisted driveway as the trees hang over our heads, creating a thick lush canopy. I close my eyes and listen to the birds sing to each other, mimicking one tune from another. I unbuckle my seatbelt and poke my head out the window further. This time my whole upper body leans out.

"Miss Gale!" The guard sitting beside me shouts grabbing my arm."That's dangerous. You should stay inside until we are parked."

Ignoring him I close my eyes and smile. Leaning out a little bit further.

"She's okay Rocky," Amell soothes, "just let her enjoy it."

Opening my eyes, my vision catches onto a huge mansion in the distance. With white granite pillars and steps which lead up to two welcoming doors, I gasp. A garden of flowers and a forest of trees envelope the pearl building. The large windows reflect the sunlight into my eyes. I bring my head back into the car I stare at Amell, un-phased at his home, he stares at me instead. My reaction must have satisfied him as he grins and turns back around before pulling himself out of the window, sitting on the door.

"Mr. Sanders!" Rocky scolds, clearly frustrated and used to being ignored he sighs and shakes his head in defeat.

I quickly bring myself out of the truck again and perch myself on the door like Amell. Glancing over I see him smiling to himself. His radiant beauty is raw and staggering. His dark curled hair, which looked ebony underneath the moonlight, now shimmered with a lighter brown underneath the sun. Now I could spot a few freckles scattered over his face like a lost constellation in the sky. As I stare at Amell over the rooftop, he matches my gaze, holding it before I turn my attention to the maids and butlers waiting for our arrival.

Returning to our seats as we pull up to the entrance. The truck locks click out of place as our driver shifts it into the park. The doors screech open as the guards groan and get out of the vehicle stretching.

"Where is Mr. and Mrs. Sanders?" Rocky asks a butler.

"They are both in a meeting, they should be done in a quarter of an hour." He replies. "Ladies, please welcome Miss Elysia Gale into her residency. Clean her up, feed her, and give her a tour of the house."

Promptly two maids clutter around me with hush, polite greetings. Our introduction cut short as a small, rosy, plump maid who rushes down the grand steps. "Rocky!" She shouts, one hand lifting a bundle of fabric from her white skirt.

"Winnie!" Rocky smiles back and meets her at the end of the stairs where he catches her in his arms. Giving her one swing he sets her down and kisses her. Winnie holding onto him tightly before parting. Taking a step away she clears her throat and brushes the wrinkles from her navy apron.

"Mr. Sanders," she bows her head as blonde stray hairs fall out of her bun and hide her forehead, "I apologize for the unprofessional behavior."

Amell smiles, "You don't have to apologize Winnie. Rocky is your husband to be, I understand the excitement."

She brushes away her hair and slips past me, grabbing my bag from the back of the truck. When she turns around I snag the strap of the bag, "There is no need for you to carry that. It's not like I'm the one you should be serving." Everyone falls quiet and I try to smile to ease the tension. "Thank you though."

Winnie's shock is quickly replaced by kindness, her eyes softening as she holds out her hand, "I'm Winnie."

"Nice to meet you, I'm..." I hesitate as I wonder if I use my real name or do I have a new one.The more time that passes the thicker the air gets with awkwardness. Winnie's hand hanging in the air. I flip my eyes over to Amell who nods his head. "Elysia." I blurt ungraciously raising my hand to meet hers, "My name is Elysia."

Winnie grabs it and gives it a firm shake. "No worries Elysia, I'll take care of ya."

Amell walks towards us and rests a hand on Winnie's shoulder, "Thank you, I knew you would make sure she won't destroy all of our china within the first hour."

"Wow there Mr. Sanders. I never said I could do such a task." Winnie confidently swipes his hands away and drags me away by my wrist. "We will see how she does."

I shoot a worried glance back at him. He stands with one hand in his pocket and the other on his hip. "I'll visit you after dinner."

I gulp and turn around. Keeping up with Winnie and she briskly leads me to a smaller two-story building spectated from the mansion.

"This is the female bunker." Winnie opens the door and leads into a beautiful common area with couches, plants, and windows everywhere. A beam of sunlight shines onto the staircase which splits into two before reaching the second floor. "There is a male bunker on the other side of the house." Winnie stops and stares at me, her dark brown eyes digging into mine. "Your first piece of advice, if you do go there after your shift... don't get caught."

I smile and nod my head, "Duly noted."

Winnie guides me upstairs and down a hallway. "The bunkers just have bedrooms, bathrooms, and a common area. You will eat in the staff room, the food provided by our chefs." Turning to the second last door in the hallway she opens the door and walks in. The walls are white and everything is empty. The bed is bare with sheets folded in the end. The dresser and closet are hollow. It is small and quaint, but much cleaner than my old room. "It is small but it does the job." Winnie turns to me.

"At least it's has a door." I chuckle, "That's more than I can say for my old room."

Winnie's head tilts, "You didn't have a door? What Second Generation home doesn't have a door to their bedrooms?"

My chest tighten and I press my urge to collapse from the pressure. My palms get sweaty and I laugh nervously, "My little brother broke it when he was racing around the house. It was supposed to get repaired but I left before it happened."

"You have a little brother?" Winnie walks over and begins making my bed. "What's his name?"

I set my stuff on the floor and help her, "His name is Sam. He is quite a bit younger than I am, but smarter nonetheless."

Winnie laughs, "I have a younger sister who's an artist and her mind is brilliant. The worst part is she knows it."

We finish making my bed and Winnie begins to make her way out of my room. "I know you've had a long journey, so why don't you get some rest and I'll get you some work attire in your size." "You don't have to do that Winnie," I shake my head.

"I know I don't have to, I want to." Winnie cracks her knuckles and heads for the door, "I am a couple of doors down from you if you need any help."

I nod and flop onto my bed, the blackness consuming my consciousness... before being drawn back out.

"Eagle... wake up."

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