XII: A Skeleton's Robe

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"Eagle," his sweet whisper tickled the lobe of my ear which coxed me into a shiver. My eyes opened and I groaned as the broken sunlight danced over our skin. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"Don't be ridiculous," I laughed resting my head on his shoulder as his legs wrapped around me.

"Conley," he whispered, kissing the nape of my neck. "My name is Conley."

I slowly turned around my eyes widened. "What? Is that your name?"

He nodded, "I want you to know my name." Conley rested his forehead on mine his eyes shut. "It's okay though, you don't have to say your name."

I'd let a breath out closing my eyes with him. "Elysia."

My dream darkens before I am awakening to another light. His voice surrounds me like a warm blanket, the memory is soft and distant, but permanently scarred into the back of my eyelids.

"I'm going to get you out of this place," Conley whispered into my ear as I sat in between his legs. My eyes were closed, but I tuned into the vibrations in his chest and the smell of oil on his clothes.

"Hum," I mumbled back, one hand running through the freshly sprung grass and another over his cheek.

"I will give you the life you have always wanted." He nibbled on my ear before I pulled away.

Staring at him I replied in a serious tone, "Don't make fake promises you can't keep, President." His train running name struck him like a blow to the stomach. He was quickly reminded of what we do. We run trains, steal things, and cheat people of their good fortune. He glared at me and I corrected myself, "Conley."

"I just want to make you happy." He pouted and squeezed me closer, so I was back in his arms.

Pulling away once again I sigh. "Does it look like I'm unhappy? I don't need anything. You can't give me the life I want, but you will give me the life I need."

"I'm what you need?" Conley smirked began to wrap his arms around my waist again. Tucking me closer to his chest his hands found my sides and tickled me.

"I take it all back!" I squealed in his grip as I tried to escape, "I fear if your head gets any bigger it will explode!"

Conley laughed and cupped my face in his hand, "Then I guess I should stop."

"I guess you should." I lean into his touch and cup his face in my hands. I tilted my head slightly and push my forehead to his, our lips only brushing before he retreated.

"Elysia..." Conley held himself back and rubbed his thumb over my lips, "I love you."

I gazed into his eyes contently. Warmth spread through me, wildflowers bloomed in my heart as I whispered back, "I love you too."

As fresh as the spring air around us, or as fast as the creek rushed. My love for him flourished, nurtured by our deep kiss. 

The memory begins to darken as I fight it, the warm light turning into a scene painted in red.

No... NO.

My vision flickers between yellow sunlight and violent red flashes. Our giggles fade into sirens, the light from his eyes slips away.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered as tears fell down my face.

My arms wrapped around his body, his skin ice cold. His cheeks were sunken in, his eyes the texture of raisins, his skin grey, and his muscles degraded. He was a skeleton in a skin suit, a robe to mask his death. The DEU officers that surrounded us looked the same... the life drained out of them while a surge of energy pulses through my body. My senses were amplified and so was the pain. Trains squealed to stops and some began to leave, my only escape was a train. More of them would be here to view the massacre amongst them. I had no choice... I had to leave.

The incoming alarms blared, shaking the scraps of metal around us while death consumed the atmosphere. The flashing red light flickered across his face one last time as a scream ripped out my throat, my tears hot with rage and helplessness. I rest my forehead to his and kiss him one last time. Uncontrollable sobs forced my chest to rise and fall jaggedly as I set him down and ran for a train. I slipped onto it as he and the other half a dozen bodies faded into nothing.

My treachery loomed over my shoulder and kept me company on the ride home.

You never got to say goodbye.

You said you loved him... but who murders the one you love?

His last thoughts were of pain and heartbreak.

You killed them all, and you don't even know how.

You are a monster. They were right, you should be exterminated.

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