VII: Introduction to the Devil

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I flip up my hood as the crowd engulfs us like fresh bread. Their virgin lips beg for a taste of class and sophistication when they've only known garbage and drivel. I clasp Ace's hand and drag him from ally to ally. I make sure his beautiful figure and face is hidden under a dirt-covered shaggy hood.

"So where's this 'perfect hiding place' you have for me?" Ace asks sarcastically and I glare back up at him.

"Just around the corner." I say. Every one of my hiding places is infested with beggars and people preparing for the announcement. It is a big deal in the Slums, to watch one of your own be chosen to move up to the next generation.

We turn the corner and I sigh as my last hiding place is empty. On the edge of town, a block away from my home is a garbage can which stinks of sewage and decomposing algae.

Ace releases my hand and runs to the other side of the building before vomiting. I gag as the odor strangles my breath. Eventually you get used to the smell when you live in it, but it is still revolting.

I pull Ace away from the wall. Taking a piece of fabric I wrap it around his face to mask the smell.

"This is terrible. How can you live here?" Ace gags again.

"You don't have much of a choice. This is what it's like in the Third Generation. Most children die before the age of six. And if they don't they'll work in a factory for the rest of their lives, so the Second and First Generations can enjoy their luxuries." Ace glances down, his dark hair curling over his brow. I push the strand aside and back away. "Tonight there will be a big announcement about who will be chosen to move up to the next generation. It's a huge event so there will be less guards at the train station than usual. You should be able to make a clean escape."

"I guess we won't see each other after this." Ace's eyebrows scrunch and he tries to hold in another gag.

"If all goes well, no." I set him next to a little trash can, hidden from the any people walking by. "I'll come see you before the event starts. I'll check your wound and guide you to the train station. But after that our paths probably won't cross again."

Ace nods, "I'm sorry you have to live in this."

I shrug and walk away. "I'll see you in a few hours." Speeding around the corner, making a b-line for the house I smash into a chest.

"Why are you coming from there?" Zale steadies me with his hands as his brown eyes fill with concern. "Your lip is split open! And you have dried blood on your forehead. What happened?" He looks over my shoulder back the dumpster and squints. "You only hid there when something was wrong."

"Just a visit down memory lane," I smile as my head spirals with vexation. I don't know what he'd do to Ace if he found him.

He takes a few steps towards the large dumpster and continues. I shuffle in my spot and try to bluff him. "Okay, well I'm going back to clean up. Have fun looking through the trash."

I turn and slowly walk away before a crash erupts from the ally. I swivel on my heel and sprint towards where I left Ace. As I round the corner I find Zale and Ace standing off. Their faces are filled with hostility and cynicism. Enmity flares out of the ally and forces me to take a step back.

"Stop!" I yell as both boys turn to me. Their expressions soften and Zale takes a step in front of me.

"Stay behind me Elysia," he orders, "I don't care if you trust this man because I don't."

"Elysia?" Ace asks, a smile slipping across his face.

My chest tightens and I take a step back. Stress shoots through my veins and my hands shoot up to my forehead. My breath is ragged and my muscles scream for rest. "Zale!" I snap the tension increasing as Zale realizes his fatal mistake.

"I'm... I'm so sorry." Zale mumbles, "I didn't realize he was from the train."

"I won't tell anyone Elysia." Ace takes a step forward his limp prominent. Zale matches his step and grinds his teeth, but I push him back. "I promise."

"I wish it were that easy," my eyes drop before they catch on Ace's bleeding leg. It must've ripped open again. "I have to pack my stuff."

"What?" Ace limps up to me as Zale's fists clench. His tall dark figure looming at my shoulder. His protective instincts kicking in.

"Once someone finds out who you are you must run. Torture is an easy way to get names and information out of someone. It would take minutes for the DEU to capture me if you told them who I am." I turn my feet light and my brain planning on what I'll pack. How Pa will make enough money to take care of Sam? My sweet Sam... what will happen to him?

"Amell," Ace says, "my name is Amell. I'm not going to run and I don't think you should either."

I keep my back to him and I can feel Zale's eyes etched into the back of my head, waiting for a response.

"Please Elysia," Amell stumbles, his voice fading with every word. "Don't leave the ones you love because of me. Plea-"


My head snaps back and I watch Amell struggle for his breath on his hands and knees. His face white as beads of sweat drop down his brow.

Instantly, I sweep to his side and flip his hood down to feel his forehead. "He is burning up Zale, help me bring him to my house."

"You must be joking. You'll endanger the lives of everyone there. This is a big risk for a stranger."

"You don't understand what he's down for me. Either you help me or you leave."

Zale reluctantly hoists Amell to his feet. We drag him to my house, his consciousness slipping in and out. I bust the door open and clear our table. Setting down my backpack I lay a rag down as Zale picks him up and places him onto the table. I unwrap the wound and watch as puss starts to ooze out. It's infected.

"Zale, heat up some water for me and bring me the first aid kit."

"You're seriously going to waste supplies on this guy?" Zale lowers his voice and stares me down. "What about Sam? What if he needs it one day and there's nothing left because you used it all on a hopeless man."

"Stop arguing with me Zale and do as I god damn say!" I yell and grab a fresh cloth.

Zale scowls, walks away and snags the first aid kit and some boiled water.

Pa comes out, his eyes droopy before opening widely. "Who's this?"

"No one if he dies." I reply snapping on a pair of gloves from the first aid kid Zale brought back.

I rise out the wound deeply and use disinfectant. Amell is loopy and comes in and out, the pain making him tense and pull away. Zale and Pa are forced to hold him down as I dig my cotton pads in his wound. Finally, I grab a large white pad and place it on his cleaned wound before wrapping it in gauze. Taking two antibiotic pills I stole on my last train running mission I force it down his throat followed by water.

I take a seat down, covered in a cold sweat and Amell's blood. I take my gloves off and throw them in the garbage before cleaning my arms from the crimson liquid. Pa and Zale sigh and stare at me. Pa pulls up a chair and dabs the blood off of my forehead and begins to patch up my wounds.

"I'm glad it's not you on that table." Pa cups my cheeks and kisses me on the forehead, "but we need to get him out of here before Sam comes back from school."

I stare at the handsome man laying on the table and rest my head in my hands. "I know, he just left for school though, didn't he?"

"Yes, so we still have about six hours before he comes back."

The door squeaks open and Sam walks in. We all shoot to our feet and block the table off. "I forgot my pencil." Sam squints and tries to move around us.

"Why don't I grab it for you?" Zale smiles nervously, "Is it in your room?"

Sam nods, but as Zale slips away to grab it he peeks at the table and gasps at the blood and Amell. His doughy eyes grasps as much detail of the sleeping angle as possible before Pa steps in the way.

Sam peers up at Pa before back at me as his mouth gaps open, "He doesn't belong here..."

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