Chapter 26: Defence

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Xander smoothed the lapel of his Tom Ford suit, black with the faintest of soft gray pinstripe, complementing the black shirt, open tastefully only far enough down to give the slightest hint at what he hid beneath.

He wasn't going into this with any idea of seducing his way back into a job. Under the circumstances that would be extremely tasteless. But the suit was like a uniform, giving him a layer of confidence he didn't entirely feel.

When Dr Grossman had called to arrange the appointment, he'd been tempted to just walk away. To tell her he wasn't interested. But Tim had looked so hopeful, so sure that Xander had to clear his name, he hadn't the heart to do it.

Tim was having the day with Ellis and Owen – the beauty parlor, he'd told Xander with a giggle that morning. So Xander could focus on this incredibly awkward situation and hope to God it was going to go away.

* * * * *

He wasn't late, but when he arrived at Dr Grossman's office, Tim's father was already there, looking aggressive and smug, like he thought he held Xander's job in the palm of his hand. And maybe he did. Dr Grossman was a starkly stern woman of middle age, her hair in a tight bun that must give her headaches, and severe, dark-rimmed glasses. She had the kind of face that never gave her emotion away – or perhaps she simply didn't have emotions; even after two years working for her Xander still wasn't sure. Dr Ramirez had a softer countenance, and he smiled warmly at Xander as he shook his hand and gestured to the only remaining seat.

"Mr Miller," Dr Grossman began, obviously not willing to stand on any ceremony, "you have been invited here to present your rebuttal to the allegations made by Mr Preston against you. We will ask you questions and I would be grateful if you could respond as succinctly as possible. The proceedings are being recorded, as is standard University policy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dr Grossman."

There was no point launching into any kind of impassioned explanation about what Tim meant to him. He knew antagonizing the Dean of Classics would make the hearing extremely short and extremely not in his favor.

"Do you know Timothy Preston?"



"Tim was in my Classics 101 class prior to graduating last semester."

Dr Grossman rolled her eyes at his disingenuity, whilst Alonzo Ramirez grinned into his coffee mug.

"And do you know him in any other way than as your student?"

"He's my boyfriend."

"See!" Tim's father burst out, vindicated. "I told you he was a-,"

"Mr Preston! If you cannot keep your thoughts to yourself during this I am well within my rights to instruct you to leave."

The man didn't respond, just huffing angrily as he settled back into his seat.

Turning back to Xander, Dr Grossman tapped her nail on the desk. "At what point did you commence any relationship with Tim other than that of student and teacher?"

"A few weeks before the close of the semester."

"Hmm, that may bring his grades into question..."

"So?" Tim's father interrupted again. "That doesn't matter. It's what this pervert did to my poor son-,"

"Mr Preston, this is your final warning. And I cannot agree that Tim's graduation does not matter, at all."

"Dr Grossman, I can assure you, Tim was marked entirely fairly, and I will send you his final presentation if you want to confirm it."

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