Chapter 16: Taking Responsibility

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A/N: so this was originally meant to be quite a short tale, but, huh...

There's almost two parts to the story - and the scene in the club was the climax of part 1, and this is the partial resolution before we build up for part 2. 

Once again, something that was in 'Colors' but I've taken free liberty with because it isn't in the final version. I say that a lot, and I even feel guilty when people read Colors here, because so much was changed, but it will never get taken down because I'm too much of a whore for comments and votes 🤣

Xander followed Gray to the subs' locker room, noting that Mike tagged onto them without a word. Gray knocked tentatively, glancing apologetically at Mike, who shrugged. He'd probably seen the whole thing and, whilst Doms weren't usually allowed in, and he was the guardian of that safe space, he was luckily flexible enough to adapt. Plus, there wasn't another space in the club that Xander thought would be appropriate – a playroom, especially Xander's medical-equipped space, or François' office, could tip Tim over the edge.

Dae opened the door – shooting another glare at Xander but moving aside to let them in. Ellis was hugging Tim while Nikolai was soothing him. To Xander's surprise, Tim approached without hesitation, tear tracks on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Sir, that I behaved inappropriately. I understand that you need to punish me, Sir, but would request that you don't spank me."

Ellis and Nikolai were sharing worried glances, and Xander suspected Tim was going off script from what they'd discussed. It didn't matter though. Xander was going to have to rectify his error and make sure Tim was trained. Punishment was a long way away.

"We can discuss appropriate punishments at some other time. I won't be punishing you until I understand you a little better."

Xander was pleased with himself. A first step in setting things right. But Tim stepped forward, panic in his eyes.

"No, Sir, you have to. He has to right?" He turned to Ellis as if seeking agreement.

Ellis came forward, taking Tim's small hands in his.

"Master Xander, may I speak with Tim?"

Xander nodded, beyond confused at how his was still getting it so wrong. Did his boy want to be punished, or not? Ellis' eyes were hard as they stared intently at Xander for long enough that he thought he'd combust with the shame.

"Tim," he said finally, "you find a change in routine difficult to deal with, don't you? You need people to do what they say they will. Maybe people in your life haven't always been reliable."

The look Tim gave Ellis broke Xander's heart. He looked so lost, so forlorn. So confused.

"My head hurts. I can't focus when things change all the time. I make mistakes. I made so many mistakes tonight, it was all so new, and I couldn't remember the things Sir told me I needed to do. There were so many things to remember. I get into trouble for not remembering."

"Do you take medication, Tim?" Gray asked, and Xander recognized that he'd moved into medico-mode.

"Not since I was a kid. My doctor told me I'd grow out of needing it. I didn't take it that much anyway, we didn't always have it because it was expensive. My dad said I needed discipline."

Alarm bells rang at that, but luckily Gray spoke again before Xander could say or do something regretful.

"Is that why you were attracted to Master Xander?"

So, they were having some kind of impromptu therapy session, which Xander wasn't sure was a great idea. Tim deserved that kind of conversation when he wasn't surrounded by the people who were likely (hopefully) to become his closest friends, given time.

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