Chapter 15: The Club

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A/N: so, a scene already seen in 'Colors', from Xander's point of view, which is actually really fun to do. However, there are a bunch of characters who, if you haven't read the previous stories, will make you go 'huh, who the heck is that?'. Usually, I try to make it so you don't have to have read other stories, and it was only when I was re-drafting that I realized how many there were, and didn't want to add a bunch of exposition. So if you're confused about how the characters relate to each other, drop a comment about the one you're stuck on and I'll explain in more detail.

Xander was so proud of his boy, wearing the new leather shorts and a blue harness that he'd picked for him earlier that week. He looked sexy, standing tall, brave despite the slight concern he was masking.

"You're going to do great, Angel."

"I'm- I'm not sure, Sir. I don't really know what I'm doing."

Xander had a moment of guilt that he hadn't started Timothy's training yet. He really should have, regardless of the fact that the club saw plenty of first timers. Most had at least some pointers before they entered the Lounge, before they were witnessed by all those Dominants. He'd done nothing formal yet with Timothy, too nervous about scaring him with the intensity of it. Also, selfishly, wanting to keep his boy just a little innocent about the lifestyle, to get to see that look of pleasure on his face when he learned something new, which was part of why he'd been drip-feeding it to him.

Oh well, it was too late. Timothy was so excited, with his main course of nerves, wanting to show Xander what he could do, that he could be a good boy – and yes, he had noticed that being his good boy had almost as much of a positive impact on his Angel as being his slut did. But he was looking forward to this, so there was no way Xander would backtrack about going to the club. He'd just keep an eye out, and get him introduced to some good subs as quickly as possible.

"You ready, Angel?"

Timothy lifted his chin. "Yes, Sir."

"Can I connect this to your harness?"

Xander lifted a blue leather leash, the match to the harness.


"Just so I can have you close to me. Keep you safe."

"Do I- do I have to crawl?"

Xander barked out an unexpected laugh. "Christ, no, Angel. It's not a dog lead. I mean, well...some people are into puppy play, sure, but not me. Not that I wouldn't quite like to see you on your hands and knees for me," he mused, getting all sorts of new ideas.

But soothing Timothy's uncertainty took priority over having deliciously perverted thoughts.

"It's a mark of, well, ownership, I suppose. No one will bother you while you're wearing it, even if I'm not with you, because they'll know that you're with someone."

Timothy smiled at that, clearly liking the idea, sparking an even more possessive pang in Xander's chest.

So, they walked into the Lounge with Xander firmly holding the leash, greeting Mike on the door. He hadn't been for a while, but the bouncer was too much of a professional to say anything, just nodding and welcoming Timothy when Xander introduced them, Mike telling him to go to the door and find him if he ever got separated and he was worried.

As they walked further into the club, Xander was so proud of his Angel, trying to hide his worries behind a straight back and knowing eyes. He saw Gray by the bar, with Owen, which was perfect. A nice easy first introduction.

Xander hugged Gray, patting his back before looking properly at him. He looked tired; probably working too hard, as usual. And his love life was a mess recently while he refused to admit he was crazy for Owen, who was standing by his side, his usual demure self.

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