Chapter 20: Tips and Tricks

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Something had changed for Tim since he started seeing Gray, and Dr Marvin. Gray made him feel calmer and somehow, despite their rocky beginning, Tim really trusted him. Not more than Xander, but in a different way. He could talk about things with Gray that would make him panic if he tried to find the words with Xander. And Xander understood, too. He'd told Tim to know that he could work ideas through with Gray and go to him only when he was ready.

The sessions with Dr Marvin were a bit more fraught, because he wanted Tim to talk about his father, and his childhood. He came out of those sessions drained and cried out but later, after rest and care from Xander, he always felt that extra bit brighter.

They'd done a few roleplays in the days since his first session, and Tim was starting to understand just what Xander meant when he said he was into toys, and it kept giving him even more appreciation for what Xander offered. He still hadn't been in Xander's playroom in the club though.

"Sir," Tim was going for sweet and demure, fluttering his lashes and approaching with his head down.

It seemed to work, because Xander's eyes seemed to go from clear seas to stormy weather when he looked up from the article he'd been buried in.

"Yes, Angel?"

"I was wondering if we'd go to the club this weekend?"

"You already feel ready?"

Tim had felt ready to go back for two weeks, but he'd known pushing it too soon would have made Xander worried. He simply nodded, making sure to bite his lip and widen his eyes.

"Actually...I wasn't sure if you'd want to, but François goes out for dinner every week. Tonight. Not everyone goes every week, so you wouldn't have to meet everyone at once. It would be less intense than the club..."

Tim was already nodding. It might not be the club, yet, but he could see the value in having chance to talk to some of the other subs in a more relaxed space.

Tim was pushing some product through his hair, making the color really pop, especially with the skinny fit chambray shirt he'd chosen.

"That's a tight pair of jeans, Angel."

Xander slid in behind him, hands on Tim's ass, low voice sparking something excitable in him.

"Super stretchy, Sir. Very comfortable."

Tim looked into Xander's eyes via the mirror, wondering what he had in mind.

He soon found out, when Xander flicked Tim's button open and pushed the jeans and his underwear down, trapping his thighs together, and twisting Tim to face him.

"Oh no," Xander growled, squeezing the base of Tim's cock, just a bit painfully, keeping it limp despite its best efforts.


"Stay calm."

Xander held something up, metal and apparently made of interconnected rings. Tim knew it was a cock cage, because Xander had mentioned, several times recently, that he'd like to see Tim locked away for him. Tim nodded down, easy done when it encouraged the excited smile it did from Xander.

Xander fitted it quickly, and it was pretty comfortable, really, considering the cold, unrelenting material of it. As long as he didn't get hard, he'd be fine, as he guessed he'd be wearing it the whole night.

Tim didn't entirely expect to be twisted back around, facing the mirror for only a moment before he was bent over the counter, yelping his confusion.

"Shush, sweet boy. I'm not done with your preparations yet."

"Prepa-," but Tim's query was cut off by the brutal cold steel slickly forcing its way inside him, drenched with lube.

La Maison 4: Blue (Complete: BDSM manxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя