Chapter 24: The Storm

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Xander didn't want to let Tim out of his sight after that. He'd never seen a panic attack that bad, and even Tim admitted that it was worse than he'd suffered for a long time.

And they hadn't talked about the scars, which Tim's short nails had torn the skin around when he'd scratched himself up. Tim had looked like he was close to a repeat attack when Xander had suggested the hospital. Luckily, he was a dab hand at bandages, and Tim had agreed that Gray could come over and check him out. Gray promised no new scars and no risk of infection. The vicious scratches had looked worse than they were.

But still, Tim had only reluctantly had another session with Dr Marvin, and Gray had told Xander to give him time. Maybe even more time than he'd suggested before. So, they hadn't talked.

Tim seemed happier though, calmer being around Xander all the time. After a few days, he seemed to be coming to terms with some of the negative emotions that had been beaten into him by his father. He was trotting alongside Xander now, because he needed to pick up some books from his office at the college, both happy to walk on this bright fall day. It was a long way from home, but it was the sweet spot of a mid-week morning where most people were inside, so the streets weren't crowded.

When they finally reached the university, it was even quieter, because school hadn't started up again yet, so there were only a few groups around the grassy quad. Tim was happily chatting about a job he'd seen online that he was going to apply for, when they heard it. Everyone heard it, and heads whipped around towards the steps of the administration building.

"TIM!" It was a roar.

The reaction was instant. Tim buckled, grasping at Xander's side. Xander was fast enough to catch him, scooping safe arms around his back and positioning him tucked away. He peered toward where the demand had come from, and shuddered. Even if he hadn't already known, Xander would have felt the aura of violence around that man.

Tim's father, Mr Preston, was a tall man, thick and broad and ruddy-faced. There was no question Tim had to have got almost all of his physical appearance from his mom, because superficially he bore almost no resemblance to this person.

He was approaching fast, an angry grimace slashing his mouth, fists clenched.

"Who the fuck are you? Get your filthy faggot hands off my boy."

The circles Xander moved in, it had been a while since he'd had to field such a base insult, and he felt his gorge rise at it. He held it down with difficulty, surreptitiously taking deep breaths as he straightened Tim just behind him and turned to the man.

"Can I help you? You seem to be lost my good man."

He was channeling his strongest power queen persona, and tilted his head back just so he could stare down his nose at the man mountain before him. Tim even let out a tiny, watery snigger, so it was worth it.

Preston spluttered, obviously more used to people instantly cowering before him, and Xander felt a further flash of anger. That kind of arrogance only came with experience.

"Listen, I don't know why you came here, but Tim is just fine. He's been coping perfectly without you in his life, and that doesn't need to change."

"Who the fuck are you to tell me whether I can see my son?"

Tim was clinging to the back of Xander's shirt with small but desperate hands, and Xander could feel him shaking just from that. It just built his need to protect.

"I am his boyfriend. Now, are you leaving, or do I have to call campus security?"

Tim's father growled, unsurprisingly more beast than man.

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