Chapter 25: The Met

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"What do you mean you're on leave?"

Tim didn't understand what Xander was saying; what he'd waited till they were back at the apartment to reveal. His boss hadn't fired him but had said she had to do some kind of investigation. And it had something to do with Tim's dad.

"It's not a problem, Angel. Maybe I wanted to take some time out anyway. I've been thinking about maybe writing a book. About classical architecture."

"You have?" Tim narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"I have," Xander insisted.

"So my dad has caused problems for you?"

Tim was starting to embrace the new emotions he was developing about his dad. He'd spent so long scared of the man. Of what he could, and would, do. Of his opinion. He'd seen him today as something different. No less scary, really. But also pathetic. He'd come all this way, just to drag a son he had no interest in away. Because he was, what? Embarrassed? Disgusted? Whatever. Tim didn't care.

He was safe with Xander. He had friends. He wasn't going with his father. A thing he might not have thought quite so confidently before, but was ready to embrace now. And his father causing Xander problems...well, he was just furious about that. But he had new skills in his arsenal now.


"Yes, Angel?"

"Can I do something for you? To help you forget?"

"Oh? Did you have something in mind?"

Tim stuttered at that. He hadn't thought much beyond wanting to distract his Dom, to make him feel good.

"Do you want to roleplay?"

Xander's face shut down a little at that.

"Sir? Please explain what's going on."

Xander sighed, rubbing his nose and letting his gaze fall on the tops of the tall trees visible through the windows.

"I'm really not worried about not lecturing. I want you to know that. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't vital to me. And, anyway, Dr Grossman will almost certainly reinstate me. The rules aren't that strong there. And I didn't do anything as bad as the accusation."

"Oh. So what's the accusation?"

It was obvious something more was bothering Xander. And if it wasn't the loss of his job, it had to be something else connected with what had happened.

"He said I groomed you," Xander finally spat out, his eyes swinging to look at his feet instead.

"What? That's ridiculous."

"Is it, though? You only came to my office that day because I lied to you and convinced you."

"So? Christ, I needed the push. You know that."

"Just because you needed it, doesn't make it right."

"Okay. Well, I wanted it then. It was right, and we already talked about this. Sorted it. You didn't make me do anything I didn't want. You never have."

He could tell Xander didn't believe him; was determined to punish himself for the perceived error. But that wasn't going to work for Tim.

"Sir, can we go to the Met?"


"Well, you said...remember? And I think it would be nice to get out."

Tim was a little surprised that Xander agreed so easily, though he clearly still wasn't himself; just going through the motions. But Tim had a plan, to convince his Dom that the best thing that could happen in Tim's life was what was happening now. That nothing that was happening because he had to be twisted into it. No matter what his dick of a father had to say about it.

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