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  Your Flashback

  "Stop fighting you two," Your mother scolded you and your sibling. The two of you were running in circles around her and your father as you all walked down the street. "You've been fighting ever since we left the park."

  The late night spring breeze tickled your skin. Your small arms shove your older sibling. To no avail, your sibling doesn't budge. I mean, how could a four year old knock over an eight year old?

"(B/S/n) started it!" You whine, tears in your eyes. You punch your sibling, "Give it back!"

"They're just kids. They'll get over it." Your dad chuckles.

"Don't downplay the situation. It's not good that they fight." Your mother pouts.

"Look at you! You're like a bug! I didn't even feel that!" Your sibling raises the toy higher with their arm as you jump. (B/S/n) laughs, "C'mon! Reach for it!"

"(B/S/n)! Knock it off! Give your little sister her toy back!" Your mother grabs the older child's ear, threatening to tug it.

"But mom!" (B/S/n) complains. "I was just playing! (F/n) always cries about everything! She's such a big cry baby."

"Am not!" You protest.

"Are too! Wah wah this! Wah wah that!" (B/S/n) spits back.

"(B/S/n)! Enough!" Your dad's voice is stern. "Give her back the toy!"

You and your sibling stare at each other. Your mother tugs on your siblings ear, making you giggle. You stick your tongue out and blow raspberries at (B/S/n)'s defeat.

"Fine," (B/S/n) looks down at the doll. "If she wants it so bad, then she can have it!" (B/S/n) then chucks the toy into an alleyway.

"You're such a big meanie! I hate you!" You cry out. You kick your sibling before running into the dark alleyway.

"(F/n)! Go make sure she doesn't get hurt!" Your mother yells at your father.

"(F/n)! Come back here!" Your father commands as he chases you into the alleyway.

  Your mother quickly follows, dragging along (B/S/n) with her. "Why did you have to do that?! You are so getting it when we get back home!"

  "I didn't think she'd do that!" (B/S/n) argues.

  You were in the middle of the alleyway. You were on your knees, searching the nasty concrete ground for your doll. It was dark, and you were for sure getting dirty. The only thing illuminating the ground was the broken, flickering street lamp back out in the street.

  "(F/n)!" Your dad quickly picks you up. He hugs your tightly, "Honey, please. I'll get you another doll. Just please don't ever do that again!"

  "But I liked that doll." You pout.

  "(F/n)! Oh baby girl!" Your mother joins the hug. "What you did was so dangerous!"

  "I'm sorry," you look down at your shoes after your mom let's go. You were still holding in your tears to prove that you weren't a big baby like (B/S/n) said you were. "I just want my doll back."

  "Here," your sibling picks up the doll from the ground. "It was over there." (B/S/n) points behind the dumpster.

  "What do you say?" Your mom looks at you.

  "Thank you..." You look at (B/S/n).

  (B/S/n) swallows (his/her) pride, "You're welcome and...I'm sorry."

Your Blood, My Love (Vampire!LenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now