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You were sobbing into Rin's arms as she comforted you. Kaito was trying to calm down a frantic Len. James still wasn't home. Miku couldn't answer half of the questions she was given.

  "He mu-st be s-so scar-ed." You hiccup.

  "Len! Calm down!" Kaito shouts.

"How do you expect me to calm down?! My kid is gone! I can't even track his scent!" Len hisses.

Len is pacing around the house like a madman. Rin tries to calm you down to the best of her ability. Your tears practically soaked her shirt. She holds your shaking body tightly.

  "He probably covered himself in dirt before coming here." Rin explains.

  You slowly hush your loud sobs, and they turn into soft sniffles. You pull away from her, "What?"

  "It's a tactic vampires use to escape. They'll cover themselves in dirt or mud, so their scent won't get tracked. I've done it a couple of times." Rin says.

  Len turns to Miku, "Was he covered in crap?"

  Miku shrugs, "I think he was? I can't remember much."

  Len groans in annoyance and stomps away. Kaito grabs Miku's shoulders gently, "Miku, I need you to remember as best you can. If you can, tell us the story from the beginning."

  Miku nods. She looks down, trying to recall what happened not too long ago. "I was just watching tv, and I heard crunching outside. I just assumed it was a squirrel or an animal. Something like that y'know? Nothing to be worried about. I got hungry, and I went to the kitchen for some blood. Then someone wrapped the rosary around my neck quickly. We both stumbled over from how weak the rosary made us. The other person shouted for them to move and then threw the bucket of water on me. I quickly passed out, but I couldn't track their scent for some reason."

  Len stops in his tracks. He turns around, "Wait, two people ambushed you?"

  Miku nods, "One wrapped the rosary around me, and someone else threw water on me."

  "You didn't see their faces?" Kaito asks.

  Miku shakes her head, "No, but now that I think of it, it did sound like Yuuma."

"What about the other person?" Asked Rin.

Miku grabs her head gently, "I can't remember. They didn't speak at all."

Since you got home, something has been bothering you. Something has been tickling at you nose, but you don't know what it is. To cope with how uncomfortable you feel, you keep sniffling on Rin's shirt. She grabs you gently, and she assumes your calming down.

"So some other asshole is working with this Yuuma guy? Did you guys cross this guy or something?" Rin questions.

You look over at Len. He just looks down and shrugs, "I've crossed a lot of guys since you've been gone."

You pull yourself away from Rin's grasp. You place your palms on your face, "This is no time for secrets, Len! Why is Yuuma targeting us?! Why did he take (B/n)?! I know he said he would be back, but I didn't think like this-"

Len straightens his posture, "What?"

You remove your hands slowly, "Huh?"

"No time for secrets, huh?! What the hell do you mean you knew he'd be back?!" Len shouts.

You flinch. Rin comes in between you and Len, "Len, lets calm down!"

  Miku looks at you, "What are you talking about, (F/n)?"

Your Blood, My Love (Vampire!LenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now