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Your eyes widened as his question left his lips. "What?" You croaked.

He needed no words, as his eyes did all the begging. A small frown tugged at his lips, "You don't?"

  Your hands left his grasp slowly. You slowly stepped back, "I-I don't know. This is all so sudden?"

  His blue eyes looked defeated, "So that's a no?"

  His voice sounded so sad, exactly like the time you first rejected him behind the school during winter. You shook your head, "Yes! I mean, no! It's just, ugh!"

You threw your palms on your face as you huffed. Len slowly brought his hand to your right cheek. He motioned your hands away from your face. "Do you not love me anymore?"

You looked up at his red eyes and were immediately surprised. Tears fell from his eyes. He was sniffling to hold back from fully bursting into a complete mess. "Len..?" You whispered.

He frantically wiped his tears with his forearm. He seemed embarrassed, "Ah, stupid emotions! I bet I look stupid." He pauses as he looks at you through his wet eyelashes. He notices how astonished you looked. "My eyes changed color, didn't they?"

  "Yeah," You responded quietly. You touched his face and he nuzzled in your touch. You smiled, "Len, I still love you."

He wiped his tears again. He sighed, "You do?"

You nodded. You grabbed one of his hands, "I really do, and I would love to get back together. It's just that it's all so sudden."

"I'm really sorry, (F/n). I promise if we get back together I'll make it up to you." He pulled you in and hugged you tightly.

  You hugged him back tightly. You whispered, "You're not getting back with me just because I had a kid, right? This isn't because you feel guilty for leaving me."

"I feel guilty for leaving you, yes. But, every second without you felt like hell. I always thought about you constantly. I missed you, (F/n). I'm also so deeply in love with you." He responded.

You nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck. You begin to let you emotions flow onto his shirt, leaving his shirt wet. Len pulls away to be met with your scarlet eyes. "You're crying." He says slowly.

You press yourself into the crook of his neck again out of embarrassment. You begin to cry louder, hiccuping your words out. "I felt the sa-me way f-for so lo-ng. I reg-retted breaking u-up with y-ou. I was so al-one, and I mi-ssed you s-so much. I'm s-so hope-lessly in love with you, L-Len."

He couldn't help but cry himself. He hadn't heard you tell him that you loved him in so long. He hadn't heard his favorite three words slip from your mouth in so long. He pulled away, but you were still hugging him. He kissed your forehead, "Will you be my girlfriend again, (F/n)?"

Your face was pressed against his chest. You were still crying. You nodded frantically. You pulled away and wiped your face, "Yes."

  Len smiles, and helps you wipe your face. He leans down to press his lips against yours gently. It had been so long since you felt his loving touch. It almost felt euphoric. He pulls away and stares into your eyes. "Calm down." He whispers gently.

  "Did my eyes change too?" You giggle shyly.

  He nods, "It doesn't matter. They're such a beautiful pair of eyes. I've met many vampires but god, your eyes stand out. They look like precious rubies."

  You blush, "God, you're still so cheesy."

  He laughs, "Yet, you still love me."

  About six months had passed since you got back with Len. Everyone decided to move into the cabin you and Miku shared. You and Len shared a room, your child had its own nursery, Miku had her own room downstairs, and James sadly took the room you gave literal birth in. It was peaceful, and it was a little too peaceful for your liking. You kind of missed the chaotic moments you had in your life.

Your Blood, My Love (Vampire!LenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now