[Warning: Smut and mentions of abuse]

Your P.O.V

You kissed him back gently, yet his lips wanted more. He hungrily kissed you, and he leaned in more as he grabbed your shoulders. You slowly let yourself on the mattress and midway he opened his eyes and stopped.

  He pulled away, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

  You slowly began to catch your breath. "It's okay. I liked it." You showed a small smile. You stared at him with curious eyes as he seemed to suddenly get shy. He seemed to start to get more intimate, but something suddenly tugged at him to stop himself from going any further. "You okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just, well...I'm just gonna shut up." He chuckled.

Your eyebrow raised, "What?"

He sighed nervously, "I just wanted to do something more than kiss you, but I wasn't sure if you'd consent or not. You know I don't want to go midway and then it being awkward and-"

You kissed him gently and pulled away, "Len, it's fine."

  The side of his mouth slightly quirked. It was a smile of relief. You felt your heart skip a beat as you realized his smile became a smug smirk. It was almost a smile of confidence and pride. He kissed you again, and you felt him smile against your lips.

  He placed his hand on the back of your head, and he lowered himself, so he'd be the one under you. You threw your knee over him, so you were basically straddling him. He placed his slender pale hands on your hips. You lowered your upper body to give him a small peck on the corner of his mouth.

"Hurried, aren't we?" He chuckled.

Your face was completely flushed and you covered your face with your shaky hands. You whispered, "I-I don't know what I should do next."

"Would you like me to lead instead?" He asked.

"N-No! It's fine! Do I just—I mean, do I begin to take off my clothes?" You asked. He only chuckled, which made you more self conscious.

"Let's just go with the flow." He smiled. You nodded. You were going to lower yourself to kiss him one more time, but Len tightly grabbed your hips and began making friction between his and your clothed area.

You gasped and let out a small moan. Dry jumping was something so simple, yet it felt so good to you. Your hips slowly began to move on their own with little to no help from Len. You felt something under you begin to get hard, and you could only imagine what it was.

Your gasped moans came to a halt when Len grabbed your hips roughly. He breathed hard before speaking, "I'm gonna cum in my pants if you don't stop."

You chuckled, "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. I just want you to enjoy yourself. It looked like you were having a good time." He slowly sat up and kissed you gently before moving his lips faster.

Your curious hands were grabbing at his chest, and you were trying to find the hem of his shirt in order to take it off. He understood at where you were getting at, and he parted in order to get a breath or two along with removing his black shirt. Before kissing you, he removed your top as well.

  He pushed you down on the bed roughly. You were a gasping mess under him. He went for your neck, and left as many marks on your clean skin as he could. He didn't want to fully bite you because the mark he left on your shoulder was still healing and he knew how painful it was for you. As he kissed you, he removed your pants, along with his own.

Your Blood, My Love (Vampire!LenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now