The next day, you woke up to at least nine missed phone calls from your dorky blonde boyfriend. The first call was made around three in the morning. As if you were awake at the time. The most recent call was made at nine. You looked at the time on your screen.

  "Ten..fifty four.." You spoke to yourself.

  You shifted your position in bed, and tapped on the cool screen of your device. You searched through your contacts until you found the one that was labeled as "Len♡."

  You quickly called him to see what's up, and you got an answer.

  "Hello?" You heard from the other line.

  You yawned weakly, as you softly tried to rub the sleep off your eyes, "What happened, Len?"

  "Oh, well I wanted to talk to you." He responded.

  You shifted your position, and you were on your stomach with your elbows holding you up, "You called me around three in the morning, just to talk?"

  "It's about your sibling. I can't—I can't see them anymore. They know me, and I know them." He quickly spoke.

  You quickly lifted yourself, "What do you mean?"

  "I've pretty sure I've met (S/n) before, (F/n)." He said.

  "They did say you looked a bit familiar, but I told them to brush it off." You explained.

  He sighed, "Well that's all I wanted to say. I have to go."

  "Alright, bye."

  The line cut off, and your older sibling came in your room. (S/n) was still in their pajamas, but they looked more awake than you ever did.

  "Let's go out to eat, brat." They spat.

  "Are you still mad at me?" You asked.

  "Eh, a bit. I don't want you hanging out with your stupid little boyfriend for a bit. I want you to hang out with me. You know, have a sibling bonding time." (S/n) smiled.

  "(S/n), that sounds..." You trailed off, and your sibling had a big smile on their face. " don't say things like that. It's not like you."

  "Just get dressed you idiot!" They yelled.

(S/n) decided to take you out to eat breakfast at some local restaurant in town. You always ordered (f/f), and they always ordered something new. Both of you guys ate in silence until (S/n) decided to break the tension.

"So I'm getting a new job that's gonna pay me way more than it does now. My paid internship finally turned into a full fledged job." They said as they stirred their coffee.

"What is it?" You asked, voice muffled as your mouth was full of food.

"I can't really say, but I need to send a few samples of my blood again before I begin." They explained while holding back a chuckle while you struggle to swallow.

"Wait what? You've never mentioned that before. What kind of job asks for blood samples?" Your tone is clearly confused.

"Can't you listen, (F/n)? I know it's weird, but it's better than working at a restaurant and barely making rent. The help we're getting from the government isn't enough. With this job, we could probably buy new things for the house and maybe eat out more. Anyway, enough about me. Is something on your mind?" They asked.

"No, why?" You asked.

"You seem out of it. You sure something isn't bothering you?" They asked.

  "We'll just last night with Len and you mentioned..." You slowly said.

Your Blood, My Love (Vampire!LenxReader)Where stories live. Discover now